What "invisible" persons do you actually firmly believe in?? (and Why?)

by Terry 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover
    You forget wat this thread is about, Invisible Beings, those are not invisible & a hell of a long ways from being invisible

    Well, if you can't touch em they're not real so while not invisible, they are imaginairy...

  • finallysomepride

    there's nothing left for the imagination there

  • undercover

    Just enough to keep it from being banned...

  • finallysomepride
  • Hoping4Change

    Just a few thoughts...

    I've always had a problem with any 'God' being called a 'person'. What is a 'person'? Seems to me that IF any such cognizant entity (or entities) exist that are directly responsible for the universe and everything in it, it (they) is certainly is NOT a person. There are ~7 billion 'persons' on this planet. Seems as though what makes all 7 billion entities on this planet that we call 'persons', 'persons', is a set of common traits and characteristics; for example I would imagine flesh and blood are amongst the common traits (though there are plenty of others) - 'God' (or gods), by most definitions do NOT have these (though apparently they become or come into 'person' form from time to time if one believes any of the stories about them). What we know (create/define) as person is wrapped up in the commonality of all 7 billion of us.

    One other thing - it doesnt seem to me as though there is any fundamental difference between believing in 1 god or many gods from the standpoint of having faith. It is no more likely for there to be 1 god as there is to be many. It really tweaks me to hear the pompousness of monotheists thinking they are so much better because they believe in only 1 god and that believing in many gods is some how more ridiculous or silly; as though there were actually a difference in faith; faith is faith, regardless of what it is in.


    Who's interested in an invisible God when we have a Beer Fairy to worship!

  • undercover

    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

    - Benjamin Franklin

  • Terry

    I've always had a problem with any 'God' being called a 'person'. What is a 'person'? Seems to me that IF any such cognizant entity (or entities) exist that are directly responsible for the universe and everything in it, it (they) is certainly is NOT a person.

    Feel free to NOT think of a thinking entity with intelligence as a "person."
    The descriptions we get of God from scripture indicate PERSONALITY, however.

    God is referred to as "he."

    God talks, reasons, explains, warns, angers, loves, exercises autonomy.

    Why deny God personhood?

    Call God whatever you will.

    God is invisible. Yet, making Jesus God in any sense at all relieves the human hunger for rationality of the burden of supporting loyalty to an unseen actor from beyond the senses.

    It also relieves humanity of the burden of provability when it comes to submitting to authority. How so? An entity that can't be proved can be interpreted however it suits our fancy.

    We have the Hell God who punishes the wicked for all eternity.

    We have the Love God who dearly wants us to be happy forever.

    We have the sorrowful God we weeps at the lost condition of humanity.

    We have the Vengeful God who orders the slaughter of man, woman, child and animal.

    All the same person/entity/force at work?

    Or, more likely, just another manifestation of human whim and imagination.

  • BurnTheShips

    Terry, did you see my question on page one of this thread?


  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Just because one can't see it...doesn't mean, it does not exist.....


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