Alice, do you ever understand that you are imitating your emotionally defective relative?
Do you understand the example of Jesus? Is this something he would do? Or that he would approve of in his followers?
What does it mean to love your enemies? Never talk to them? Tell them they are useless? How does 'eye for eye' change anything? Is 'eye for eye' what Jesus recommended?
I am not a Buddhist - but I often marvel, as Jesus did, that 'people of the nations' often have a better sense of compassion than supposed "Bible believers" do.
I have relatives/ associates that often behave in a callous fashion - and I can tell you that reflecting their unfeeling behavior is not only unspiritual but impractical. If you view the world as cruel, nothing would ever change your mind if cruelty is all that ever gets reflected back to you. This is true for obnoxious relatives - or annoying bosses - or even Nazi's, if you've kept careful track of past Watchtowers that bothered to emphasize the forgotten spirit of Jesus ( or is it the spirit of a forgotten Jesus?)
You don't have to pay her bills or spend huge amounts of time figuring out her problems, but how about a little unselfish love?
Your letter to your aunt is not something you should publish - in pride. It is something you should be ashamed of.