Is this a change in teaching, a slip of the tongue, or simply an indication they don't care about being consistent in their statements?
That's the answer right there in bold.
by slimboyfat 48 Replies latest jw friends
Is this a change in teaching, a slip of the tongue, or simply an indication they don't care about being consistent in their statements?
That's the answer right there in bold.
As mentioned before every established and building religious organization states they are god's earthly channel to humanity,
on this point the WTS publishing house is not different to all the others.
The True One,
I couldn't disagree more. I haven't heard of too many religions that claim to be "God's Exclusive Channel TM ." Guided by holy spirit, sure, but claiming holy spirit and claiming exclusivity are two vastly different things.
I presume there will be more on Rutherford in volume 2. This DVD only went up to about 1919 I think.
Maybe so but the DVD went well beyond 1919. The ADV talk was in 1922 or 1923 but the last few minutes of the DVD are of N H Knorr who took over in 1942. We will just have to wait and see.
I think a copy of OZ's fabulous cartoon of this DVD should be attached to every copy!
Which cartoon is that good sir?
sir82 - A
Oh, that one. Grazi, generalissimo.
Splane has got some splainin' to do.
You don't get to the position Splane is in by knowing and understanding doctrine.