What makes these people relevant? They were born and educated by people who believed in something to be absolutely true. They passed those beliefs on and another 'true believer' can speak with authority given by whom?
The witnesses are a religion based on contradiction. They claim 'divine providence' but when scrutinized, they deny it. Has Jehovah favored David Splane over others? Is he a member of the governing body because God has favored him over others?
The religion is based on politics, cronyism and the delusion that what they think matters in the grand scheme of things. Think about it. People who are actually trying do things to help others take a back seat to witnesses who irritate householders because their counting hours of ministry is more relevant. They call each other brothers, sisters, friends, but will turn on you if you do not conform to their self-serving version of worship. They were never given any authority, they chose to be pathetic.
People have a choice. Do you need self-worshippers who made inaccurate predictions about the future to tell you what the 'truth' is? Do you really need self-worshippers to tell you what you should do to make your life more fulfilling?
Witnesses claim that Christ is the head of the congregation because it is scriptural, but that is not true. Their actions prove that they have no regard for the one that they claim to respect. They follow their own lead because they have been favored by men.
In the end, witnesses are just men worshippers. That is what it has always been. No matter how they try to mask it, that is the true reality.