Bring back the memories
Your favorite JW'isms...."Brother leave it in Jehovah's hands" Post yours.
by UnConfused 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"Bad associations spoil useful habits"
YIKES!! I quoted that to a friend a few years ago. His son was talking to a few female witness classmates at a taco joint and some woman from their congregation saw them. The girls made a few comments that they would be in trouble. Friend mentioned it to me and I told him that the girls were going to be counselled on their choice of association.
"Bad associations spoil useful habits", I told him. His response: "What the hell does THAT mean???"
It really sounded stupid when I tried to explain it to him.
No matter what problems you have, do more fields service
"Stay in the middle of the flock"
Aude - I've actively tried to spoil a few good habits...
finding my way
"The light gets brighter"
A.K.A. Perfect excuse for everything they've ever done wrong
"You know it's the truth."
Don't be stumbled by imperfect men
"Wait on Jehovah"
Sometimes I would either ask a question or make a comment that conflicted with the WTS take on something, the response I always got was, "Ooo, be careful, you shouldn't question Jehovah".
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"That was the best convention ever!"
No it wasn't. Who are you kidding?
two phrases...first "the truth" whoever started that, is genius because when you started calling it that, heard it called that, referred to it as BECAME that. Such a subtle mindfu*k that we all did to ourselves!
second would be "placing a book/magazine/brochure" We sold em, we left em, we donated em, we twisted arms to take em, and we snuck em into people hands. The last thing we did was "place" them. It's a stupid word to make us forget we were selling Paradise, and there was no cashing in.