study the bible with the aid of the watchtower (read out propaganda, repeat propaganda)
shepherding call (annual performance review likely to involve a work improvement plan and possibly a disciplinary hearing)
worldly viewpoint (common sense)
can you picture yourself in the new system? (stroking a lion with a basket of fruit surrounded by smiling people wearing square clothes? where can I get a wifi connection?)
the last days of the last days (started hearing that expression about 7500 days ago - quite a few days don't ya think?)
seek out sheeplike ones (look for people who are as dumb as an animal that will follow anyone and not answer back)
serve where the need is greater (this apathetic town can fry - we want some new territory)
gave a good witness (failed to convince them or you'd have managed to convert them)
worldly wisdom (wisdom as opposed to lunatic logic)
disciplining in righteousness (bully them with the bible)
encouraging one another (depress each other with the same old conversations; "hang in there old boy we're in the last days of the last days")