Being raised in the Jehovah's Witness cult - I saw so many times what would be referred to as " supportive wives " wait after meetings for an hour, two hours, even more until midnight for husbands who met in backrooms meeting to decide on judicial matters if some individual witness was righteous - or not. Wives of elders were EXPECTED to do this to show submission and alleged " respect " for the headship arrangement or eldership of their husbands ! Incredible. I remember even my own mom waiting late after meetings for my dad's elder meetings. Even as a boy I thought to myself- how DISRESPECTFUL ! Why can't my mom just go home and sleep ?? !! I remember thinking if I ever grew up- I wouldn't expect my wife to DO that ! It would show disrespect to my WIFE !
My own mom , a JW, gave SO MUCH attention to us growing up as JW children because my dad was ALWAYS helping the congregation ! My dad as years went by thanked my mom and admitted he could NEVER have done what he did without my mom's help . But I often wondered how much it sucked out of my own mom's life and personality to do that.
This was one reason I didn't want eldership myself. Didn't want to commit to the congregation over my family. I saw some happy marriages - but mostly I saw women having to cater to husbands needs and they were NOT considered equals to men- but were told to be submissive to husbands , in essence like being treated like children themselves. I feel TOO MUCH POWER was given to men in an absolute sense by the WT society- and it damaged their views of women as being inferior. It disgusted me. Because MOST of the JW women I knew- were a hell of a lot smarter than their JW husbands who SAT on JC committees determining if someone should live or die. I often thought WOMEN should serve as elders in fact.
So- All guys out there - Do you RESPECT women more now after exiting the witnesses and consider them as equals to you ? Or does the JW cult and WT society's patriarchal attitudes still infect you at times ? Have you had much more satisfying relationships with women after leaving the organization - now that the WT society's attitudes in dominance over women aren't a part of your life anymore ? As always I look forward to your comments and takes ! Hope all you guys are doing well ! And have a great Saturday evening ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper