Not believing this story is Rude at best. We should always believe victims until proven false.
Most likely it would be difficult to tell his story to a person and so talking into a video camera would be a bit like therapy for a young person not knowing what to do. He is probably looking for advise on how to go about bringing this to prosecution. Advise he will not get from his witness family.
When I was a young girl in the congregation, a friend and I reported a story that we were told by another girl about a very old brother(85) touching her thighs and kissing her in field service. We thought we were helping. That was until she was pressured into changing her story and my friend and I had priveledges removed for causing slander against older ones.( p.s. she told us later that it was true but she did't want to hurt his wife or her family) He put his house up for sale and moved within a couple weeks. Not after he tried to kiss me on the lips though. Who believes me? no one! not even my mom. They said I was bitter for being disiplined.
The old mans club is strong and elders stick up for each other all the time. Even though there were good intentioned brothers involved in this situation I was speaking of. Nothing came of it because in there words there was "no harm done'.