Reading all of these replies made me immediately think of something in the Bible where Jesus spoke of the bad shephards that would come after Him, ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing, burdening and beating down the flock.
Why would Jesus want to complicate and make your life even harder? Did not He and YHWH God give you talents, abilities, and intelect so that you could aspire to be more then a window washer? Jesus said "My yoke is kindly and my load is light," yet the Elders would have you pulling a cart like a mule if they could, and basically you are if you allow yourself to be kept stupid and uneducated, and working 50 hours a week + meetings + field service. What a colossal crook of shit!!!
The advice you've all recieved I've heard told to myself, my parents, or others in the congregation.
You gotta love how the rich business owner Elders will stand up at the podium and condemn education, big houses, nice cars, and education when they have some or all of the previously mentioned. Elder in my current congregation, owns a pole building business. Built it up himself, no problem there. Total little smart-ass, and carries an actual WAD of cash around. Sold his nice size home after he built a brand-new gigantic mansion home next to a cemetary. (yeah, creeepy I know). Guess he's ready to house and preach to the resurrected ones in the New Order, huh???? My wife, a non-JW is disgusted at his fake sincerity and showy display of his means - and she's not even a JW!!! My, what a fine witness HE is???
- Wing Commander