You can get around anything in Watchtower World™ if you put a Theocratic™ spin on it.
"What do you mean I can't own this iPhone? Look at all the apps The Society™ has for tracking my Field Service™, my Bible Studies™, and my Personal Study™. I can even download my PDF Study Edition right from The Society™'s Official Website™ and highlight my answers in any colour I want with this awesome multicolour fibre-optic stylus."
too funny....all said tongue in cheek of course. heh heh,... I knew some bethelites that had all of the publications downloaded to their PDAs long before the WT had a CD. According to a couple of bethelites/exbethelites I knew, there is/was an intranet (internal server) at Bethel and apparently instead of bethelites ordering bound volumes, etc, they could download and/or print it out there.
The Society reminds me of a bi-polar, maybe even tri-polar person....or someone with multiple personality issues.... one side wants to remain hardschool..... the other side wants to use (and brag about) all of the latest technology the society is using...meanwhile legal, service, and writing are all having fights among themselves as to what the hell they want to do....
you got to love it.
man am I glad I aint doing that $hit anymore.
Snakes (Rich )