More Society cutbacks - Society says "screw you" to the publishers yet again

by sir82 113 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower


    If they were really smart, they'd start offering PDF and audiobook subscriptions.

    mwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..... breathe.....mwahahahahahahahaha...

    sorry.... this is Watchtower Bible and Tract Society™ we are talking about, right?

    Remember, The Faithful and Discreet Slave™ doesn't want the rank and file Publishers™ to get on the evil internet..or have jobs that would allow them to buy electronic gadgets such as MP3 players and computers. How would they access a PDF or audiobook?

    Snakes (Rich )

  • yknot

    Why subscriptions? books/mags are already on

  • Scully


    You can get around anything in Watchtower World™ if you put a Theocratic™ spin on it.

    "What do you mean I can't own this iPhone? Look at all the apps The Society™ has for tracking my Field Service™, my Bible Studies™, and my Personal Study™. I can even download my PDF Study Edition right from The Society™'s Official Website™ and highlight my answers in any colour I want with this awesome multicolour fibre-optic stylus."

  • Scully


    Did I say "subscriptions"? Sorry, I meant "$ub$¢ription$".

  • blondie

    Hubbie told me that the elders/MS did not want to go down to pick it up so paid extra to have it delivered to the PO's house (I guess some people don't have to work and are home most of the time).

    Must be nice if you have the money. The congregation across town can't afford it. It was eye opening for my husband to serve in several congregations as accounts servant and see the difference in funds provided. He would tell some that they might consider giving only to the congregation's box for the utilities and assured them that money was not sent to the WTS. People voted with their pocketbook.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    You can get around anything in Watchtower World™ if you put a Theocratic™ spin on it.

    "What do you mean I can't own this iPhone? Look at all the apps The Society™ has for tracking my Field Service™, my Bible Studies™, and my Personal Study™. I can even download my PDF Study Edition right from The Society™'s Official Website™ and highlight my answers in any colour I want with this awesome multicolour fibre-optic stylus."

    too funny....all said tongue in cheek of course. heh heh,... I knew some bethelites that had all of the publications downloaded to their PDAs long before the WT had a CD. According to a couple of bethelites/exbethelites I knew, there is/was an intranet (internal server) at Bethel and apparently instead of bethelites ordering bound volumes, etc, they could download and/or print it out there.

    The Society reminds me of a bi-polar, maybe even tri-polar person....or someone with multiple personality issues.... one side wants to remain hardschool..... the other side wants to use (and brag about) all of the latest technology the society is using...meanwhile legal, service, and writing are all having fights among themselves as to what the hell they want to do....

    you got to love it.

    man am I glad I aint doing that $hit anymore.

    Snakes (Rich )

  • Gayle

    I love the WTS dilemmas. Any change in their system, doctrinal or organizational, only creates more problems,, expense, burden and confusion to the rank & file. It'll catch up with them eventually.

  • mkr32208

    Thats a lot of money for a losing model. Do you really think that the watchtower/awake make them any money anymore? Very few are placed those that are result in little or no contribution. Whenever I see them in the hospital I throw them in the garbage just like everyone else does so yeah money is dripping dripping dripping down the drain...

  • donny

    Sacolton: I was wrong. The are NO ASSEMBLY HALLS in Oklahoma. The closest one is in DENTON, TEXAS!

    Yes. I helped built that monstrosity just west of Krum. Texas, near Denton. I worked out there many days in 1990-1991 but I never set foot in it as I quit going to meetings just months before it opened. There was a large sign out front that read "Future Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses" and on a couple of occasions someone woul use whit spray paint and white out the "embly" on Assembly so it read Future Ass Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses". I remember one elder kept blaiming it on a baptist church just east on Highway 380.

  • babygirl30

    Future Ass Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses

    OMG that is hilarious!!! I would be rollin (out loud) if i saw that...

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