More Society cutbacks - Society says "screw you" to the publishers yet again

by sir82 113 Replies latest jw friends

  • WalkTall

    I wonder what they will do for those areas that do not have their own assembly hall but use rented facilities. Is it business as usual for them?

  • darthfader

    I can see it now...

    They decentralize the printing of magazines -- they ask each of the circuits to pay for this "special" printing press which is the size of a small car and yet costs as much as a house. This press will only print magazines "beamed" from the Bethel. It's now up to the local congregations to feed it paper, ink and power -- an out comes shiny new Watchtowers and Awakes each month -- and maybe an odd tract here and there.

    Hey, it worked really for the USA Today newspaper...

  • blondie

    Back in the mid 80's, there was a procedure for congregations to go to the assembly hall to pick up their magazines. I think they still had WTS trucks back then that dropped them off. Each congregation was responsible to send someone down from their congregation. I had to go down there weekly anyway, so they stooped to having a sister pick them up (no mention of my supposedly being weaker physically). So I did. So they are going back to that now? I sometimes picked up for 2 other congregations...

  • sacolton

    Assembly Hall? I'm not exactly sure where one is in Oklahoma. Never heard of an "assembly hall".

  • undercover
    And, of course, no one will reimburse Joe Publisherâ„¢ for his gas, mileage, etc.

    That was my thought as well. They'll get some MS to "volunteer" to drive to the AH to pick up the order twice a month and he'll dutifully do it and never get reimbursed for gas or wear/tear on his personal vehicle.

    The cloeset AH to my area is a 45 minute drive... that's a two hour round trip, counting the time to sign in and load up.

    If only one person is assigned (and he has a secular job during the week), there goes half his Saturdays of the month, thus cutting his hours of field service, forcing him to do more Sunday field service.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Didnt they discontinue the bookstudy "because of the cost of gas" to the "friends"? Could they POSSIBLY be any cheaper?? Of course they are going to dump this expense on the sheep. Just like the food at assemblies which now everybody has to bring on their own as if they didnt already have enough shit to carry to those things, now they have to bring coolers and milk and babyfood. But they dont want them leaving the assembly site to go to lunch either.

    So now the Kingdom Halls will all have to cooperate with each other and take turns sending someone to drive to the Assembly Halls to pick up these magazines. How long do you suppose it will be before the magazines start to PILE UP at those Assembly sites?

    Nobody wants your stupid magazines BORG!

    I love this is just another sign that things are going into the dumpster. Its not like this is a temporary situation. They never have reversed any of these "money saving" "Jehovahs loving provision" type cheap out changes to date. Its a ONE WAY TICKET to becoming Waco.

  • undercover

    Reading Blondie's post jogged my memory. I remember shipments of something having to be picked up as well, now that you mention it. I remember MSs taking turns driving down (I was out as MS at the time, thus not allowed to participate, like I really wanted to...).

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    ...maybe it's worth it to him/her to make the trip to avoid Saturday service, and maybe they'll let him/her count the time!

  • bohm

    I read the headline and i got to admit that i think many single pioneer sisters in their 50s will be happy for this loving arrangement!

  • slimboyfat

    Oh yeah, and they cancelled the Book Study groups because they didn't want the brothers to have to spend so much on gas.

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