Yes, Quandry, he was my molester. The court put a restraining order on him and my mom being around the girls since she condones it. Now he's DF'd and pointing fingers at me for DAing myself 14 years ago. Apparently I've wrecked the family.
Iam 58 years old, spent over thirty years as a JW, then spent hour after hour reading posts on this forum, and I thought I couldn't be surprised anymore. I was wrong. I just don't know what to say. How your mother and father could possibly view you as the one to wreck the family is just beyond me. As a mother, I cannot fathom condoning my husband molesting the child that I carried and gave birth to.
I will just say that you are a survivor, and a wonderful mother who worked very hard to protect her own girls from irreputable harm that could have been dealt them by having contact with your father in any unsupervised capacity.
You did not say how your girls are doing now, or whether they are witnesses today. Of course, I hope they are with you and are free from the JWs.
I am just so floored by the above, I don't know what words you could use for your father. He says the "whole family stayed in the truth" but the real truth is that he crossed a boundary when he molested you. It broke any familial bond by nature of the perverted act. He did you a grave injustice to satisfy himself. I agree with I quit! He should be begging for your forgiveness, instead of continually putting you through what must be more heartache. Especially if he wants you to be part of the family again. Also, since he's df'd, how is the "whole family in the truth?"
I am sorry, alamb, that you have to go through this.