Isn't it weird how so few know that there were actually two major trees in the Garden of Eden account.
This isn't true of Jehovah's Witnesses, even those who may have faded or left learned that there were two trees in Eden of note.
Genesis chapter 3 makes is quite clear that God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden and placed an angel to guard the Tree of Life, so that they might not eat from it again.
But this is not what Genesis chapter 3, or any other chapter in the Bible, says at all! Neither Adam nor Eve ever ate any of the fruit from the tree of life.
Is this implying that the two perfect humans had to eat from the tree in order to have eternal life?
There is no such implication in the Genesis account.
If not, why protect it?
There is nothing in Genesis 3 that suggests that God posted cherubs at the east of the garden of Eden to protect the tree of life, but since Adam and Eve's sin barred them from realizing the promise of eternal life that eating from the tree of life represented, God evicted them and posted cherubs to guard the way to the tree of life.
I did some mulling over this point and realised that the main reason all Christian religions/cults gloss over this fact, is that it would make Jesus' ransom sacrifice null and void.
Your mention of "Jesus' ransom sacrifice" here suggests to me that you reallydon't have any idea what you are saying here. Had Adam and Eve not sinned, what need would there have been for a perfect and righteous man to die to obtain a release for anyone? Does this make any sense to you?
A ransom to release whom from what? Adam's offspring were born in sin, which is why God made possible the provision of the ransom through Christ in order that those exercising faith in the ransom might obtain a release through Jesus Christ. If man had not fallen into sin, there would have been no need for a ransom
If perfection meant that you didn't live forever, but needed to eat from a tree to do so, why did Jesus die for our sins? What purpose would that serve?
Where in the Bible does it say anything about perfect human beings needing to eat from the tree of life in order to live forever? Two things are clear to me: (1) You don't really comprehend the reason that Jesus had to die, and (2) You make the assumption here that Adam and Eve knew that there was a tree of life. You know that there was a tree of life in Eden, but Adam and Eve didn't know about any such tree at all. Perhaps you should consider a Bible study with one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and not with someone that merely calls himself or herself one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and conducts Bible studies with folks motivated by the desire to show off what things he or she believes have been learned over a year or two from their having studied the Bible.