just text... i think it looks like he used the paint program.... just shows the simple math equations...
JW YouTube newbie is begging people to ask him questions - we should oblige, lol
by Awakened at Gilead 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Is this it?
Wow, this guy tries to downplay Tim's questions on blood by saying he is using "scientific knowledge" and that he needs to follow the counsel of Matthew 18:3. When I tried to direct that back to him regarding the Christian Scientists, he comes back with "Christan Scientist" "Scientific Knowledge."
What ignorance.
@sherah... thanks!! i saw that one listed but i didn't click it cause i didn't think it started out like that. lol.
He seems really confused about what blood is. And he's confused about the WT Blood Policy.
He is either really young born-in or a super-zealous bible study.
He is either really young born-in or a super-zealous bible study.
I know he hasn't finished school yet, don't know if it's high school or college.
I'm betting it's jr. high school. Basic high school biology teaches one about the components of blood.
The guy just said that Adam and Eve were the first Jehovah's Witnesses and that there was no selection.
This gets better and better.
he's a total sheltered born-in.... prolly home-schooled. i was from 7th grade up. i taught myself. >.< i can totally see myself in him. gags me. i was sooo naive.... >.<
Just posted my question :)