You should have reached it and petted it on the head. I have heard they are very friendly.
You can always tell a conger fisherman in the pub - they raise their first finger and pinky and ask for four pints!
by snowbird 17 Replies latest social entertainment
You should have reached it and petted it on the head. I have heard they are very friendly.
You can always tell a conger fisherman in the pub - they raise their first finger and pinky and ask for four pints!
U sure like showing us gross looking food!
One person's gross is another's delight.
U sure don't have to look!
jellied eels with chilli vinegar mmmmm
can't manage the eels in liquer cos it has a very distinctive smell.
Well, eel is really good in maybe in pie or stew...
I am leaving for the day - but I just wanted to add the word SLIME to this thread before going.
i would like to try smoked eel, but i havent seen anywhere round here that sells it.
a delicacy from my childhood, my grandad used to buy this and cook it, then we'd eat it sliced on buttered bread.
sometimes i'd have a cod roe battered from the fish n chip shop but it comes no where near the fresh home cooked stuff