Your experience is so typical of what really happens among JWs, as opposed to what they preach about the 'wonderful brotherhood'. I've seen it with my own eyes too: after "casting my bread upon the water" time and time again to help different ones in the congregation, when I was the one that needed help, they scattered like a bunch of damn cockroaches when you turn on the light!!
The sad but true fact of the matter is that unless you have a position in the congregation, or are a study that they can drop a big ol' Love Bomb on, you're S.O.L. in terms of receiving support in any way, shape or form from the World Wide Brotherhood.
When it happened to me, it made me realized that "living forever in paradise on earth" was just a figment of the collective imaginations. It also convinced me that if these were the kind of people I'd end up spending eternity with, I'd just as soon pass, thanks anyway....
I agree with Helen's suggestion to contact Social Services, also try Meals on Wheels. And I bet you anything there is a volunteer group at several local churches who would be happy to assist your mom. When you've got that arranged, send a letter about the situation to your local newspaper, with a copy to the body of elders. Name names. Rub their noses in it. This is how they treat sick and elderly congregation members. Expose them for the hypocrites that they are. STICK IT TO THEM! And then give credit where credit is due, for those who DID actually help your mom.
The elders will be doing cartwheels and tripping over each other to help your mom by that point, and you can tell them to go fly a kite!
Love, Scully
It is not persecution for an informed person
to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63
A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. -WT 12/1/91