Kind of funny, I thought of this the other day. IMO there is no evidence of either BUT one could make a stronger case for aliens than god. This way one could explain why all the evils are occuring and why god doesn't do anything about it. Theoratically one could claim that life or humans were planted here and only so often can aliens come back or so, thus we haven't seen their presence on earth. IMO a better BS story than loving God placing us here, needing thousands of animal sacrifices and finally needing a death of his son to save mankind only to see 2000 years pass by with no action on his parts as mankind continues to suffer from sickness, war and death. To think about it, one could start a religion and print magz, have tax exempt organization and travel the world without a penny in the bank account while this organization covers all the costs of one's life style.
Is there more evidence of God or Aliens?
by highdose 15 Replies latest jw friends
Think About It:
How is your version of the Christian God on this subject different than the JW's?
Um, didn't I just say how it's different?
QUOTE: "God", should he exist, is not a "person" existing in time (and space) as the JWs teach, but an entity that created time itself and exists outside of the flow of time.
Reading comprehension much?
What about other Christian denominations? Are they wrong too on the subject and you the only one that knows what the hell is correct?
I'm hardly an expert on "other Christian denominations", nor is this an "other Christian denominations" site. However, in my experience, Christians do not share the JWs view of God as a "person" living somewhere within our space and time universe (for example, the Pleiades...). Rather, God is an entity who created space and time itself and is not bound by either.
The Christian God is Spirit (John 4:24). The jw God is "a spirit".
The Christian God is omnipresent (Psalm 139:8). The jw God is not omnipresent; rather he lives in the Pleiades star cluster or some such place.
The Christian God is "I AM" (which implies omnipresence and a transcendence of time); the Christian God simply "is". The jw God is "I SHALL PROVE TO BE".
This way one could explain why all the evils are occuring and why god doesn't do anything about it.
IMO a better BS story than loving God placing us here, needing thousands of animal sacrifices and finally needing a death of his son to save mankind only to see 2000 years pass by with no action on his parts as mankind continues to suffer from sickness, war and death.
Good points. But I view this as evidence only against the existence of the God of the Bible.
Think About It
I'm hardly an expert on "other Christian denominations", nor is this an "other Christian denominations" site.
You are even less an "expert" on what JW's believe. No problem with my reading comprehension. You are coming through as full of shit loud and clear. I find it offensive for you (as a never been JW) to come here and slam the JW's at every opportunity when most times you don't know what the hell you are talking about. You don't come here out of friendship & support to X-JW's by having a like experience. You come here with you own cult recruiting agenda. Some people here still believe to some extent and some people still have family in. I don't feel the need to go to my former Baptist religion sites and slam them on their beliefs. Why? Because I have no agenda.
Think About It
Think About It:
You come here with you own cult recruiting agenda
Uh-huh. And, um, what cult would that be?
I don't feel the need to go to my former Baptist religion sites and slam them on their beliefs.
Nah, you just come here and slam anyone who disagrees with your beliefs.
Why? Because I have no agenda.
Other than coming here and promoting the WT$ you mean...
Think About It
Other than coming here and promoting the WT$ you mean...
See......there you go again being full of shit. You never were a JW and you accuse me an X-JW of still being a JW? Don't you dare come to a board for US and accuse one of US as still being in when we clearly have shown we are out. Many of us still have family & friends that are still in. Although we may slam the WTS on a frequent basis we are respectful to good JW's. You come here with your cult agenda and look for constant opportunities to slam or vilify the JW's instead of maybe the occasional slam.
Think About It
Think About It,
WTF are you talking about?
I accused you of being a JW? Where?
I'm recruiting for a cult? What cult?
I was never a JW? When did I say that?
Dude, you really and truly appear to have some serious issues... Please leave me out of them from now on.