People are supposed to determine for themselves what is good and what is bad. Thanks to Plato, we have a few leaders that are perpetuating that God-inspired scam about needing someone to decide for us what is good and what is bad. Truly mature people do not need someone making that decision for us, or throwing out whatever decision we make about what is good and bad.
Of course, the Washtowel harps on this all the time. "It is not for man who is walking to direct his step" is improperly applied. This is not the truth: If it's in the Bible, it is another place where the Bible lies and God is trying to pull a scam on mankind. Actually, only one rule needs to be applied to all mankind: No one shall initiate the use of force, threats of force, or fraud against another person or their property. As long as people do not violate that rule, they should be allowed to decide for themselves what is good and what is bad. If they cannot, they need to learn to do it. If they cannot because they are small children or mentally retarded (and I believe only moderately and severely retarded people are not ultimately capaple of deciding what is good and bad for themselves), then the parents are responsible for training them to make good decisions, and for making good decisions for children while they are not able to do so themselves. Aside that, "It does not belong to man who is walking to direct his step" is a scam, initiates fraud against people, and ought to be shoved where the sun doesn't shine.