thanks for that reply. When I first logged on to this site I was expecting to find a bunch of Yahoo who new not much of anything about the WTBTS other than what some other Yahoo may have told them. Then the more and more I read and read the more astonished I was to find that most of the people here have a real actual history with the WTBTS and I was florr'd.
I think i am addicted to this site. Is there a rehab for this place?
Y R Active JWs Here???
by plmkrzy 35 Replies latest jw friends
You have misunderstood the context of my remark "Satans playground"
I didn't say that I think its satans playground. I do know for a fact though that The WTBTS considers this to be "SATANS Playground" and I was only curious as to why an active JW would want post here. -
Ernest says:
A very frank and free discussion of the mistakes made by elders and parents in applying man-made rules under the conviction they were doing God's will
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@i think his comment summs up very nicely why many active jw are turning to the net
for only here can a jw have a OPEN discussion on matters that weigh heavy on thier minds -
Satan is not allowed on this board. Neither is Zeus, Hercules, Pandora, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hades, Hermes, Ra, Ammon, Hetepet, Isis, Oden, The Easter Bunny, Santa Clause, Superman, Mighty Mouse, Ren and Stimpy, Bart Simpson (especially Bart Simpson) or any of the people from South Park with a particular ban, including a restraining order on Eric Cartman.
In short, no mythical creatures of the North that are not willing to play nice and deal with reality.
Although, topics that include, talking snakes, the condemnation of all humankind by making improper fruit choices, cramming a million animals on a big boat, people walking on water with out a life vest, turning water into a nice cabernet d'Anjou (or Jack Daniel's), destroying defenseless babies with fire and sulfur bombs, knocking down eighty ton rock walls with a trombone, virgin births (my sister had one of those), The entire destruction of all mankind that does not buy into JW doctrine, demons, gods, and the bogeyman that lives under all our beds are absolutely accepted topics on this board.
Please feel free to browse and don't forget to stop off at the gift shop on your way out.
Have a nice day,
Before I came to this board I had some experiences with a German JW- forum. On that board JW's, ex-JW's and non-JW's were discussing interesting matters in a free way and with an open mind, without any restriction and fear. Same happens in this forum.
My opinion is that Jehovah never would allow such a board if it would be contradictious to HIS intentions.
Please tell me: What is the type of media where any type of terrible fault or sin made by the WTS or elders, CO's, DO's etc. could get exposed ?? Do ya think the WTS would go to report about the "silentlamb"-stuff or about their UN/NGO-membership-matters in a Watchtower or Awake ??
Therefore (thats my opinion) a forum like this has to be considered as "lovingly provision by Jehovah" to "bring HIS people right", and not as "Satans Place". Forums such as this do have an important impact to the org (respectively to the society). There are many more people (including Brooklyn) who occasionally read this FREE and FEARLESS DISCUSSIONS about TRUE MATTERS that INDEED HAPPENED, than you may imagine... -
Thanks for that. U crack me up
Even though I still believe there are such things as demons, bad sprits or whatever, it's always a pleasure to hear a good since of humor about it. You make me think of my brother a lot. He would be laughing his ass off and enjoying your views.
plm -
"There are many more people (including Brooklyn) who occasionally read this FREE and FEARLESS DISCUSSIONS about TRUE MATTERS that INDEED HAPPENED, than you may imagine..."
I never would have believed it if someone told me that a couple of weeks ago, but since I first logged on and began posting and really paying attention to who the posters are, my head has not stopped spinning.
It seems that your mind it is beginning to open up. Just remember you can use it as you please. You are smarter than you have been lead to believe. Go-head, use it, play with it, and kick it's tires a few times. Pretty soon you will be able to think for yourself.
Try not to expand your mind too quickly or you'll end up with a super brain like my good buddy Alan F. He has to take stupid pills just to try and stay somewhat normal. He is leaving his brain to me in his will. I am going to have it bronzed and place it on the mantel next to my bowling trophies and my statuette of two naked people kissing.
Robert (You Know) and Fred Hall are also willing me their brains when they die. I'm going to glue them together, have them bronzed, and make a nice key chain ornament out of it.
Take care,
"This sentence implies that there would be "spiritual strong" JW's who are "active" (semi-pioneer, pioneer etc.) and simultaneously HAPPY (bright eyes, laughing, friendly to all people - whereby "friendly" is coming from the heart and not from mind...)
Sorry, I have to say this, though I am an active JW since almost 17 years too: I actually never saw such a really "happy" active JW. Including myself."
Erich, you are so right!
I've been up all night reading as many post as I can cram into my poor little brain in 24 hours so I'm going to bed now and give it a rest.
Thanks for your posts there fun.