Y R Active JWs Here???

by plmkrzy 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Howdy Dave (seven006)

    virgin births (my sister had one of those)-dave
    Honest to God (whoever), I kid you not. My mother swore she NEVER had sex with my dad when she was found to be 3 months pregnant. She said the doctor said a woman could become pregnant by sitting on a man's pants (without him in them, btw). This was in 1966.

    My older sister and I look alike - alot. So.........who knows?


  • seven006


    I have always wondered about that kind of possibility. The fact that I have three son's by my ex-wife
    and I could probably count the amount of times we had sex on an earth worm's left hand has always puzzled me.

    My sons, for the most part are grown up now, 16,19 and 23. All three of them have artistic talent like me and Iv yet to see any one of them show an urge to deliver mail or install cable TV lines. I thought that maybe because my ex-wife was so attractive it must have been angels who came down to earth and impregnated her. The thought of knowing angels see us naked and doing stuff when we are naked has also bothered me.

    After watching John Edward's TV show "Crossing Over" and coming to realize that our grandparents and great grandparents are always watching over us, I have started taking showers with my clothes on. The only thing that grosses me out more about accidentally seeing my grand mother naked is her seeing me naked.

    The next time you are having sex and are running through sexual positions 52 through 78 think about your bedroom being filled up with all your dead relatives making comments and keeping score cards. The more I read or hear about spiritual things like angeles, demons, spirit guides, floating energy balls of dead relatives who watch over us, the more I want to remain celibate.

    Imagine when you die and find out this is all true! You walk up to your dead grandma to give her a big hug and see pushes you away and in a discussed tone of voice calls you a pervert! Your grandfather then looks at you with a big grin and gives you the two handed thumbs up sign and a wink.

    Imagine seeing your dear old great granny after you made that long journey up the big tunnel of light. You walk up to her and she sits you down and has a huge note book on her lap with your name on it and says,"we need to talk". She continues to say "according to my records you masturbated eight million seven thousand three hundred and seventy two times in you life, ...what do you have to say for yourself?" You look up at her with a stupid look of surprise on your face and again see your grand father off in the background laughing his ass off and slapping his knee.

    I think if people really believed all this spirit and bible stuff the population of the earth would be in jeopardy of total elimination brought on by the simple factor of complete embarrassment.

    I am considering changing my spiritual status from being an agnostic to an atheist. If I don't, I may never have sex again.

    I think, I think too much.


  • teejay

    ... if no-one wants to chat I'm quite happy to sit in a corner and savour my pint... I have gained something here it would be difficult to find elsewhere. A very frank and free discussion of the mistakes made by elders and parents in applying man-made rules under the conviction they were doing God's will. If that prevents me from making the same mistakes then I consider I have gained immeasurably from my time here. And I hope I have given something back to the community.


    What a thoughtful response! It means a lot to me. It's for that very attitude of yours—that knowledge that there are many good and decent people still 'in'—that I will NEVER bash Jehovah's Witnesses or try to belittle them in any way whether here or in real life.

    Thank you very much.


  • waiting


    I'm getting ready to leave work and now I can go home smiling.

    Thanks, Dave.

    Of course, now my husband will wonder what I'm smiling about........


  • ISP

    There are few active JWs that post but I guess there are a fair number that lurk.


  • Richie

    Happy man...
    I was trying to read your post, but I must say that your English is rather poor - you know that you can edit your post and make it legible. Just an honest observation...!

    Richie :*)

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