How the TRINITY covers up the murder of Jehovah

by Terry 146 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    Jehovah is one of the most colorful personalities in history!

    He is mighty, awe-inspiring, violent, whimsical, repenting of having even created man--yet, capable of bargaining with the likes of Lot and stopping the literal-minded Abram from stabbing his own Isaac to death as a sacrifice.

    Jehovah flies into a rage and wipes out thousands in a heartbeat, sends she-bears to tear children apart, drowns millions of men, women, children and pregnant women in a worldwide flood---but, champions one family of 8.

    This same super-deity walks in the Garden of Eden in the breezy part of the day, wrestles with Jacob all night and can only manage to get away by crippling him! Jehovah leads the children of Israel to freedom out of Egypt and yet opens up the earth and swallows up many of the same people when Moses delays returning from Sinai and they slip into their old ways.

    What a character! Unforgetable! Insuperable! Almighty!

    And yet--the best character in the entire Bible vanishes only to be replaced by a rather tepid, milquetoast doppleganger called GOD the Father!

    What happened?

    This replacement, God the Father, doesn't destroy, curse, maim, threaten and!

    He loves us SO MUCH He wants to save us. YES--SAVE US! He is willing to send his son, Yeshua (Jesus) to die so that we can escape death!


    Here is what happened.

    The Greek conquest!

    It brought a tidal wave of Greek culture, mythology, language, philosophy and science that killed off the bad boy Jehovah and rendered him obsolete!

    The same language that Jehovah reigned supreme inside off petered out and faded away with Big J right along with it.

    Greek replaced Hebrew.

    Plato and Greek philosophy brought logic, a whole vivid literature of plural deities and the advent of the DEMIGOD.

    Something had to change. JEHOVAH was out----JESUS was in.

    The TRINITY is device used to put outrageous JEHOVAH in the closet and allow a new character and Greek Socratic Demi-god, JESUS, to take center stage. No way JEHOVAH would send an only begotten son to die for those miserable worms: human beings!!

    No....but....the kinder, gentler God-the-fathe sure would.

    Yeshua (Jesus) was a 2nd temple Jew who had never heard of Christianity. (It didn't exist!)

    His followers considered him good Messiah material.

    He was a wonderful teacher JUST LIKE SOCRATES! (He would answer a question with a question and teach orally confounding the wise.)

    And, just like Socrates, he was sentenced to die for misleading and corrupting the population.

    Letting JESUS become prominent in a pagan, polytheistic Greek culture requred a huge overhaul in Jewish thinking!

    To get pagans to embrace such a character would require he be a LOT MORE than just a Jewish Messianic figure.

    The solution? the TRINITY!

    We get polytheism to please the pagans and greek-influenced lovers of demi-gods---BUT--we don't lose the monotheistic Jews.


    We make the Trinity sort of like a poem with metaphorical implications. God the Father (who use to be Almighty, Powerful, Irrepressible JEHOVAH) fades into a blurred "member" of a triumvirate like Rome had acquired (three rulers with one authority).

    The Holy Spirit is the metaphor, of course! God the father, god the Son and God the holy spirit. Polytheists rejoice! We have THREE.

    Jews? Rejoice! You have a messiah (Yeshua) but you didn't lose (all) of Jehovah. You lost a ranting bully god but you gained a father and a But---wait for it..........wait for it...........THERE IS ONLY ONE god!!

    The Romans could embrace such a chimera, the pagan Greeks could accept the demigod, the Jews could adjust to it.......everybody wins!

    Except the first order of business as neo-Christianty spread was ARGUING about the Trinity!

    How does this nonsense work? Everybody had an idea. Everybody thought their own explanation was best! The christian-jewish community fought bitterly about it and split into factions, sects and divisions.

    The pagan Constantine put the official stamp of approval on it and sudden ORTHODOXY had the power of the state to enforce it.

    But....what happened to that pesky, awe-inspiring, overlord JEHOVAH?

    The Arabs adopted him years later as ALLAH! He re-emerges and becomes, once again, an ALMIGHTY troublesome deity demanding submission, hurling threats and goading armies into destroying the non-believers! He lives and breathes in a semitic langauge with black and white hot intensity, the master of all he surveys.

    Like I said....everybody wins!!

  • StAnn

    Umm, Terry, I thought that Jehovah was the mistranslated Proper Name, if you will, of the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

    Perhaps it is preferable to say that the sacred name, though perhaps in a somewhat modified form, had been in use in the patriarchalfamily before the time of Moses. On Mt. Horeb God revealed and explained the accurate form of His name, Jahveh.

    • The sacred name occurs in Genesis about 156 times; this frequent occurrence can hardly be a mere prolepsis.
    • Genesis 4:26, states that Enos "began to call upon the name of the Lord [Jahveh]", or as the Hebrew text suggests, "began to call himself after the name of Jahveh".
    • Jochabed, the mother of Moses, has in her name an abbreviated form Jo (Yo) of Jahveh. The pre-Mosaic existence of the Divine name among the Hebrews accounts for this fact more easily than the supposition that the Divine element was introduced after therevelation of the name.
    • Among the 163 proper names which bear an element of the sacred name in their composition, 48 have yeho or yo at the beginning, and 115 have yahu or yah and the end, while the form Jahveh never occurs in any such composition. Perhaps it might be assumed that these shortened forms yeho, yo, yahu, yah, represent the Divine name as it existed among the Israelites before the full nameJahveh was revealed on Mt. Horeb. On the other hand, Driver (Studia biblica, I, 5) has shown that these short forms are the regular abbreviations of the full name. At any rate, while it is not certain that God revealed His sacred name to Moses for the first time, He surely revealed on Mt. Horeb that Jahveh is His incommunicable name, and explained its meaning.
  • truthsetsonefree

    Wow Terry, you sent the ball out of the park on this one!


    An interesting post Terry

    This illustrates the problem with words and the games that they make it possible for humans to play in their minds. The problem is that when the concept of God is given a name or names it becomes an object.

    Words are just interpretations that represent real things or concepts. For most people God has become a game of words with a biblical cannon to establish the facts of the matter.

    I am afraid that the Jewish, now Christian God, has become too attached to words. Naming God and then splitting him/it into three has become a game of semantics. For organized religion, 'everyone,s a winner babe.'

    If God is to be worshipped in Spirit and truth then words of any kind are not needed; nor are names or definitions. A wordless Spiritual connection should be all that is requires. Prayer should be wordless, even in the silence of a believers mind. The Eastern wordless meditation is a far more spiritual approach to communing with a spirit God.

    Some on this forum claim to have been blessed with such a connection. I have to accept that as their personal subjective experience. It has to be an improvement on resting faith upon the Bible's Hebrew desert God who split himself into three to appease the Greeks.

  • acolytes


    You are a real apple eater.

    Maybe all that was in the apple was logic and interlectuality which we convey in words. But the problem with words is they disrupt harmony and the flow of our life.

    I look at the actions of Christ as recorded by words. I choose to belive that my saviour may be the charactor of Jesus. As to Jehover as recorded in the bible, it is humun to want to improve on a supreme being. And it is humun to err because people do not want to see things as they are.

    Anyway the bible does say the last enemy is death. If death is non existence I do not fear it. (Why fear something that does not exist.) If death leads to a future existence then I choose to hope this colourful trinity god Jehover (does exist) and has been mis-represented by words. This is the only hope I have.


  • designs

    What a difference a few centuries make. God evolves, who knew.

    The writer of Psalms 18 says that God: 'Makes the earth shake and tremble, smoke comes from his nose, and fire from his mouth and he hurls hot coals on enemies. After the repatriation Micah writes in chapter 6 that God: 'only requires us to be just and to love mercy as he does'. Nothing like having your nation overrun to change your view of the cosmos.

    In the Middle Ages Cabalism rose up as a natural outcropping of oppression and the OT took on a new meaning of secrets. Jesus walked on water, it was assumed, because he mastered the secrets that the Cabalists were now rediscovering and the use of The NAME. Walking on water could be duplicated by writing on a lead plate:


    I should remember to carry my lead plate with me the next time I'm out surfing and get sucked over the falls.

  • acolytes


    Did Jesus walk on water. ?

    Did the tombs open and all the dead saints go into the city when he diead?

    If it happened or it didnt happen does it matter?

    How deaf and stupid to attach our thinking to either it happend or didnt happen. We dont know.

    Does this mean we should shut the book (Any book) we read because its not compatible with our thinking.

    If thats the case we may as well close the internet which has far better tricks than walking on water.


  • wobble

    Just a small point,Terry, and I am not too certain I have this right, but I think that Islam views itself as worshipping the original god, the same god that Abraham thought he was worshipping true, but not really the God that YHVH became under later Jewish belief.

    The Jehovah who adopted only the sons of one part of Abraham's offspring is a Jewish (Israeli) invention.

    Great post though, you have managed to show the evolution of the god idea once exposed to Greek learning very succinctly.

  • ProdigalSon

    Is the New Testamant God any better? After Peter, a man filled with "Holy Spirit" pulls the plug on Ananias and Sapphira just for trying to keep a little of what's theirs, he says we're about to go up like a Roman candle, with a hissing noise being our last utterance.

    The "Grand Climax" to Jehovah's sadism is the "Revelation", seven vials poured into the earth, like pouring salt on slugs, followed by the ultimate bloodbath, up to the bridles of the horses for hundreds of miles. What a nice god.

    If we're ever going to evolve from primitive neanderthals to human beings, it's time to pull the plug on the Bible and all these fear cults.


  • acolytes


    Modern tecnology has given as :-

    Active Topics, Search,Members,Post Reply, New Topic, and the benifiting of reply......I wonder how your view points would be received in 2000 years without this tecnology?


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