How the TRINITY covers up the murder of Jehovah

by Terry 146 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PSacramento

    As for the changes, that was in line with the changes of the understanding that Man had of God, even more so now that he spoke directly though his ONLY BEGOTTEN Son.

    Take death for example, from the early books of the NT through the middle one to the NT, you see a gradual "shift" in underdtanding of what death was, the sate of the dead and even what the ressurection meant.

    Not all agreed mind you, look at the Saudacees and Pharasiees and their disagreement about death and the ressurection and angles and spirits and they were BOTH Hebrew sects.

    The fact that God "changed" from Genesis to the Gospel of John means that their understanding of God changed, they became more enlightended, the message was clear because the messenger was divine, infalliable, unlike those before him.

  • Terry

    If Jesus is THE son of God and his every word is TRUTH and yet we do NOT have preserved __THE ACTUAL WORDS___doesn't that strike you as patently ridiculous?

    Any very bright person can understand this without effort. You either HAVE or you DON'T HAVE the actual words of Jesus, the actual words of God, the actual words of Paul, etc.

    How would you know?

    What was (purportedly spoken/written) has been paraphrased, translated, copied, "corrected", collated and conformed to something which cannot be placed side by side with ANYTHING original and uncorrupt by transmission.

    That should bother you mightily if you place your entire future in the hands of such things unskeptically!

  • myelaine

    dear Terry...

    you said: "The AMERICAN JESUS bears little resemblance (today) to the Jesus of Martin Luther's day.

    Wake up and smell the coffee, will you? Each generation of believer gets an updated version by the writers of the day!"...

    ...ummm...each generation of "AMERICAN" has access to [a] Jesus that bears little resemblance to the Jesus portrayed in the scriptures...honestly, it is hard for people to see the real Jesus in context...because He does stand between man and Father people are more comfortable not seeing the Father and have taken Jesus out of His context and substituted their own wishful thinking...and as a result He no longer HAS a Father that He is redeeming mankind to...He is one of many guides to a higher level of "spirituallity"...He has indeed been re-conceptualized in the AMERICAN mind, but...God does not change.

    love michelle

    p.s. if you get a sense of right and wrong, good and should have enough "words" in the bible to see that Jesus is the supreme good that God could have done on our behalf. Did God give you too much credit in that He figured that you might notice this truth?...would more "words" convince you?...would original manucscipts convince you?...would Jesus coming to "abode" with you convince you?...

  • Terry
    The fact that God "changed" from Genesis to the Gospel of John means that their understanding of God changed, they became more enlightended, the message was clear because the messenger was divine, infalliable, unlike those before him.

    Automatic improvement? Understanding, enlightenment?

    You are using a thing to measure itself. This is self-reference. It is circular reasoning.

    You attribute qualities to the person Jesus based on what? What you read.

    Where? In the Bible.

    Which you trust absolutely.....but.....why?

    IT says it is inspired by God and beneficial!

    Lovely reasoning and very dangerous.

    When men write about things they always bring their own understanding to what is written.

    When they write as though God is speaking they cannot help being vague, metaphorical and ambiguous. Which is all that scripture can be.

  • Terry
    The Israelites were told and given what they could handle at that time. (Moses gave them certain laws that made allowances for their hard-heartedness) We can handle more now, and so we are given more, and more is expected of us.


  • Terry
    ..honestly, it is hard for people to see the real Jesus in context...because He does stand between man and Father people are more comfortable not seeing the Father and have taken Jesus out of His context and substituted their own wishful thinking.

    And the Bible writers were different how?

  • myelaine

    dear Terry...

    "And the Bible writers were different how?"...

    the NT bible writers placed the jewish "messiah" written of in the OT into context for those that were placing their hope in Him...Jesus was their hope...He knew it and so did the writers of the NT...context and truth didn't was revealed.

    OT God still yearns for you to return...and it is still a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

    love michelle

  • PSacramento

    You are using a thing to measure itself. This is self-reference. It is circular reasoning.

    Well, if we were taking about gravity or they effect of gravity, we would use gravity to "measure itself" too.

    If we are talking about God as he is "shown" in the bible, we must use the bible, unless you wanna discuss God outside the contect of the bible, but I forgot, you don't put stock in "personal revelation" either, right?

    So, what is our "yardstick" for measuring God? what do you suggest?

  • tec


    Moses allowed the Israelites to divorce their wives when God actually hates divorce - because their hearts were hard. (Matt 19:4-9)

    Follow that reasoning and it makes sense that they were allowed eye for an eye during a time that would have been unable to accept anything else- until Jesus came and said to turn the other cheek. And all the other advancements that Jesus made to their understanding of law.


  • Terry
    it is still a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

    Yes....a terrible waste of time and energy!

    Being skeered of an invisible ID monster certainly proved fatal for Morbius in Forbidden Planet!

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