Soon to be ex-uk when we declare independence next year. Currently not formerly JW however.
by bigmac 406 Replies latest jw friends
can't wait for you to explain to the USA that Scotland whilst still part of Britain, has always been a separate country to England and is now no longer part of the UK :-)
Frazzled UBM
I am in London and would really enjoy going to an ex-JW meetup but feel like a bit of a fraud having never been a JW myself - mine is only collateral damage. I have so much respect for you guys in having overcome the powerful forces keeping you in and exercising your right to think for yourselves. My experience with my wife let's me see how hard that must have been. I hope to meet you so that if and when my wife does fade she can talk to people who have been through it.
hereford - glasgow
paisley..ian gill
not hiding not caring
Satans little helper
Plymouth (Last place I attended a meeting) -> Bristol ->Perth Australia -> ??
Moving back to the UK early next year, probably the Gloucestershire area.
the UK is the apostate capital of the universe--lots of us here now know each other.
Frazzled UBM
Would anyone be interested in meeting up in London? Maybe in a pub or restaurant? I ma happy to make a booking if people are interested.
Frazzie, try this group, I think they still organize regular Meetups:;
Amelia Ashton
I will be organising the annual xmas meet-up in Portsmouth very soon and you are more than welcome to come to that.
frazzled----lots of us UK ex's are on a private facebook group--its very active.
its invitation only--for security reasons--if your interested email [email protected] invite extends to all UK ex's reading this.