Hi Everybody!
I want to introduce myself. I'm a 28 year old active, married JW from Belgium. In the preceding months (I'd say starting from about March) I've been slowly losing my faith. This was caused by my intensified study activities, especially during the new family study evening.
A lot of the doubts I had stored away for later research were not answered by my research, and instead I uncovered more error in WTS doctrine and the bible itself too. Finally the weight of evidence broke the dam of my belief and faith flushed out of me like a giant flood. After reading Crisis of Conscience, Combatting Cult and Mind Control and visiting excellent sites such as the Skeptics' Annotated Bible, JWFacts.com, FreeMinds.org, Talk Origins FAQ and WatchtowerLetters.com, there is no going back for me now.
Next up is breaking the news to the congregation, my family and my friends. My wife already knows I am in doubt, but convinced me to stay for a bit longer to do more research and discuss it with my dad or with the elders. I am still very afraid to confront my dad, I don't want to hurt him by telling I want to quit, but like a band-aid that must be ripped off I know this will be in store for me in the near future.
My goal is to be out in time to celebrate my birthday, and that would make it happen before the end of the year. Do I want to DA or fade? I haven't made my mind up yet.