Dig the text for today... beyond sureal... cognitive dissonance at its worst!!!!!!
notbelieveeveryinspiredexpression,buttesttheinspiredexpressionstoseewhethertheyoriginatewithGod.—1 John4:1.
In harmony with John’s counsel, we always encourage those we meet in the preaching work to test what they have been taught by comparing it with the Bible. That is a good rule for us too. If any statements come to our ears that are critical of the truth or that cast aspersions on the congregation, the elders, or any of our brothers, we do not accept them at face value. Rather, we ask: “Is the one spreading this story acting in harmony with what the Bible says? Do these stories or allegations further Jehovah’s purpose? Do they promote the peace of the congregation?” A sound rule is found in the words of the apostle Paul: “Do not go beyond the things that are written.” (1 Cor. 4:6) Yes, we should not go beyond the things that are written in the Bible or, by extension, beyond the Bible-based counsel written in the publications of the faithful and discreet slave. w08 4/15 1:18, 19
to take that scripture and use it to say "If any statements come to our ears that are critical of the truth or that cast aspersions on the congregation, the elders, or any of our brothers, we do not accept them at face value".... what an insult to the intelligence of everyone who reads it! BS at its worst....