I think they look for a purpose at internet sites. I doubt they're reading every post here or I would've been df'd a long time ago, I suppose.
Do Elders and Bethelites really follow this site?
by jamesmahon 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes they do.....
I know of 4 elders and 2 bethelites that post here........
Does the WTBS sanction monitoring of this site.....Of course what billion dollar company wouldn't....
Don't mix up the the seemingly old and daft GB with the powerful legal dept....
Given their convoluted thinking on many matters,
it wouldn't surprise me if they actually went and hired private eyes to monitor the net.
That way they could find out information without having to risk exposing the truth inside their hallowed halls.
Like settling pedophile cases out of court with a gag order attached.
Marvin: That is priceless!
I have no doubt that they follow it and other sites. If they didn't how would they know to try to stop it? They will spend time and money on anything they deem as damaging.
Yes they do here in Australia. I know of two elders, one an ex bethel elder now an elder in the burbs and his partner in crime who is now a c/o who actively search this site looking for people like me that they know and want to oust. I discovered this site when I was working with elder #1 and saw this site on his computer. I could name them, pm me if you want details....
Summed up perfectly by JWFreak
Don't mix up the the seemingly old and daft GB with the powerful legal dept
Cheers, Mattieu..
Would be interested to hear from Simon if he has ever been contacted by the WBTS about this site.
They do. They monitor me here. I know that.
Especially after "Discourse 48" scandal with YouTube video when I sent e-mail to them and to the GB.
I cannot tell how I know that, but... one brother (from Bethel) confirmed it.
They have some hypothetical evidences to connect "TITUS" with my real person.
And what they (Branch Committee) do now is "hiding a trap for me" (Psalm 140:5). On this forum.
I would really like to explain it, but I cannot. I am sorry...
I have to wonder if that's just a coverup and the elder is really an apostate...
if they did I would have been DF long ago. Just google "Snakes" and "SnakesInTheTower" along with the site address in advanced search. My real name is here somewhere. My picture definitely is.
I know that individual elders in the congregations do, but those are not officially sanctioned, but also not discouraged, by the Society.
One poster here had reams of their personal blog posts (not posts from this forum) printed out by our young tech-savvy PO in the course of his private investigation (ie, witch hunt). There really was nothing in those particular blog posts that should have gotten that person DF. The PO took the info to the elders (including myself), had already gone to the PO before he came to us (other than his elder/former PO father), and the CO instructed the elders to form a JC, which was to include all of the elders (ie loyalty test). JC came back to DF. Individual appealed and lost of course. It was a witch hunt through and through. I had tried to give the person the heads up, but that horse had already left the barn.
Rule of thumb: If you dont want people to know, don't post it on the internet, not even in the so called private boards or via email. It can always be cut and pasted elsewhere and forwarded and/or printed out.
Snakes (Rich )
Hi - should have probably made it clear that this thread was only started for my own interest. I could see people being really cautious and wondered whether that was justified. Looks like they are. Me, I couldn't care less and would find it really amusing to think that someone would want to find out who I was. Not that it would be difficult given my unimaginative avatar and telling everyone where I live. I guess I do not have any family or friends to lose though. As I am not DFd I have often thought of writing a letter to my brothers congregation asking to be DFd just so I can imagine my self righteous brother's face as it gets announced from the stage. But then I am lazy and there is part of me that thinks that is giving the organistion some sort of credibility that they do not warrant. Sort of in the same way that I would refuse to bow for royalty or use people's hereditary titles.