[The sound of my jaw hitting the floor...]
Mattieu, you're talking about Simon???
Hoooo - LEEE CRAP I didn't realize that!!!
You've got the wrong end of the stick, dear. Mattieu was referring to an Australian elder he knows, mentioned in his post on page 1.
Cold Steel....
Well, what is the penalty for being caught on a board like this? Excommunication? Shunning? (Disfellowshipment?) Death by stoning?
People do have freedom of speech and religion, don't they? Even if they do read information critical of the church, there is free agency isn't there?
Can someone fill me in?
I'm guessing you haven't been a Jehovah's Witness, am I right? JW's have had the fear of reading "apostate literature" drummed into them for many decades, and since the advent of the internet the org has been explicit about the "danger" of the internet, and especially "apostate" views on the internet.
We're talking about a religion where even having a Facebook account is publicly condemned!!
No, baptized Witnesses don't have freedom of speech or religion. If they are trying to convert you they rely heavily on the freedom of religion argument. Once you're in, if you shift your beliefs and make it known then you will be disfellowshipped and shunned.
Merely reading a forum like this won't necessarily get one disfellowshipped, but it would probably go something like this --- first you will be called into a meeting with two elders where they will question you and "counsel" you against it. If you immediately express repentance and promise never to vsit here again then that may be the end of it. However, if you say anything to give a clue that you don't believe 100% of official teachings then you will likely be DF'ed for apostasy. (Many posters here have told their stories about being DF'ed for apostasy, but being caught reading/posting on a site like this is only one of the many routes to catching people out.)
If someone has posted personal anti-JW views along with information that makes them identifiable to their elders then it's likely that they will proceed straight to DF'ing without passing Go. That's why people who post personal info on here are those that are already DF'ed or DA'ed. A current JW, such as one who is attempting a fade, seldom would.