What Beliefs/ Practices of Jehovah's Witnesses do you Disagree With Most?
by flipper 32 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for all the replies ! Good ones at that ! Had to work all night so I'll respond now.
QUILLSKY- I agree. It would be a hideous thing if the " apocalypse " came. I have no desire to be with people who want it either . But I don't think it's real - so we're safe.
HADIT- Lots of god picks there for sure my friend. I agree with all of yours for sure. Elitist attitude of GB/higher ups, attitude towards women, and pedophilia rank really high in my reasons for disagreeing with the witnesses too.
OOMPA- Good to see you back ! Yeah, JW's pretty much hate ANYTHING having to do with sex . It's a miracle they have babies.
PISTOFF- " New light " & no tolerance for " dissent ". Very true. The leaders of the WT society only tolerate their OWN views. And so many witnesses have been greatly harmed and damaged from the blood transfusion policy and child abuse policy's. In my opinion- WT society is guilty of allowing crime, violence, and murder.
MISERYLOVESELDERS- Good choices for sure. Higher education not being allowed and the dictator views of apostasy bother me as well. If a rank and file publisher wants a college education he or she will get counseled to not pursue it- but a wealthy elder or someone with influence - elders will turn the other way. And even if a member so much as LOOKS at other non-WT literature many times fellow members see them as apostate.
LEAVING WT - The shunning is hideous and too many have died by not taking life saving blood transfusions - for sure. I agree.
DARINGHART 13- Very true. The witnesses DO pick and choose what they want to believe or use. The abuse of women is horrible. Even more- the tolerance of abusive men is just as horrible ! There is NO consistency on how the Bible - or WT rules is applied.
CYBERJESUS- I agree- all of the beliefs and practices are crazy !
SCULLY- Very true- the WT society and witnesses dishonesty REALLY annoys me. Had several instances with my own JW family still in where I've been misrepresented dishonestly. They screw facts up so badly it's not funny. And their disdain of women & children and how they appease pedophiles is beyond reality ! Disgusting. And yes- I too hated that phrase " Wait on Jehovah ! ' I think ALL jW's are going to have a really, really , long wait !
SOONER7NC- Exactly. The arrogance of the WT leaders seems so ridiculous- I mean the things they teach make people dumb as rocks. Same for the GB.
GARYNEAL- Very true . Marking & shunning is barbaric, inhumane, and just plain wrong
Non-doctrinally speaking... Birthdays.
Raising my 2 beautiful kids and delegitimizing them by not celebrating their lives as a family.
Non-doctrinal as well...
The whole charity thing. In my corner of the planet their are days about a certain charity and everyone that donates gets a specific pin or something. Most people are really generous (as evidenced by all the pins around on a charity day) and I would feel so awkward saying no, and walking around evidently looking like a cheap ass. Especially when it was a charity that affected many peoples lives like a cancer charity. Now maybe I "misunderstood" the direction about charity – but from a child I understood we didn't donate to charity. Espcially if it was connected to a church, as that was all Satans system and donating would show we did not have true faith in god fixing things or something. By the time I was an adult and it was habit not to donate as it was just "wrong" no thought involved. One of the first thing I did was making a big donation to a charity I feel really helps people when I was on the way out.
The JWs are trained to be helpless and rely on waiting for an imaginary god to fix all their problems. Many JWs are quite selfish with their things/money and do not have a generous or giving spirit at all (not all JW, their are a few gems). It really bothers me that the JWs do no form of charity and they demonize those who are trying to make this world a better place. The JW management is self centered, egotistical and narrsisitic. (Sorry for the kind of tangent!!)
Not a tangent at all, Emerged. Good for you and you deserved to feel great!!
Darth plaugeis
Where to begin?.......................
My number one gripe with this religion and its leaders is: their unquestioned, absolute, unapproachable authority over every aspect of the lives of the rank and file. They even seek to control their thoughts.
5th GENERATION- Good point. The WT society putting down Birthdays is insane. Because 2 people were murdered at Birthdays in the Bible ? People have been murdered at Kingdom Halls- does that mean JW's should stop and outlaw their meetings ? It's crazy reasoning. I'm sorry your kids aren't having Birthdays- hopefully that will change. Hang in there.
EMERGED AS ME- I agree. Many JW's are very selfish with their money and don't believe in giving to charity's. I knew a JW lady who got counseled by the elders for running in a Breast Cancer marathon race as doing something bad . Ridiculous. Very true- JW's expect handouts and will pioneer while accepting disability compensation- yet demonize people who really want to give to cancer charity's etc. They are just hypocrites. Good for you that you gave to charity's ! You are to be commended !
QUILLSKY- I agree - Emerged as Me should be proud of how he has given to charity's !
DARTH PLAGEUIS- I agree. Virtually ALL of their beliefs and practices.
FREEATLAST 1914- The high control that the GB and WT society exerts into each Jehovah's Witness life is criminal at best, barbaric at worst. Every single aspect of a JW's life is scrutinized until they are made to be overburdened with guilt that they can NEVER live up to what the organization expects. Then the leaders make it worse saying it's Jehovah who expects it - when it's really the WT leaders. Very devious they are
That the GB is God's chosen spokesman for his annointed- who are his channel of truth to mankind.
There are too many to count and still consider this to be a "religion". I don't know who's more dangerous: Nazis, Muslim terrorists, or the WT. They all need to go. But obviously for me it's the child abuse issue.
Glad Jaracz is dead. Funny, the Earth wasn't left to anyone when his will was read. I guess he really didn't own it like he thought. Too bad, sucker. If you're in heaven, make something of it. NO????? Gee, guess not. May you rot in hell.
Hi Mr. Flipper and LongHairGal. My mail hasn't opened in months so I can't read what you send. I keep getting an error message. Hope all of you are doing well.
Bill Bowen from Silent Lambs broke his leg several weeks ago and most know Ray Franz died. Good men.
My best to all. The East Coast Apostate.