"the multiple thousands of singles who are made veritable eunuchs because of this organization"
"if they are going to forbid marriage in any sense of the word, and enforce singleness then maybe they should....."
"Could they not have a serious means whereby singles can meet in a dignified way, instead of the silly cat and mouse games....."
"This organization has no idea what a monster it has created. Jehovah's happy people? Don't kid yourself ... Jah's great crowd of lonely, lonely people!"
Clarity, The above and all the other postings hit me hard. Though married a second time "in the Truth" I have seen so much sadness and loneliness. And, I could write a book on how messed up the JW courtship and marrage system is. It makes either bad relationships, no relationship at all and bad marriages. And the sad thing is it does not have to be this way. Before I first married and while married I wanted so much to be a good husband and make my wife happy but a lack of training, no father and poor WT leadership led to making mistakes that I didn't have to make but made only because of a lack of experience that those in the world I later found out had and were all too willing to help me out on. But, by that time, it was too late re my first marriage. This led me to wonder if marriage as a JW is so sacred and so lasting why do we not have "private" couples classes devoted solely to improving husbands and improving wives and the marriage arrangement and bond. But, it seems to me that the WT wants distroyed lives/marriage because they seem to be so jealous of anyone loving another person more so than themselves.