I meant to say that SOME docs are biased - not all.
Why so defensive? (CHRISTIANS ONLY)
by besty 41 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, these textbooks can also be extremely biased to whatever teaching paradigm is popular at the time the book was written. It's really amazing how biased these scientists can be. For instance, in Anthropology, there is a whole group of people fighting for the Clovis First theory, which was stupid from the onset. Ah, Academics, they're such superior beings, aren't they, completely unaffected by culture or bias?
it also seems now that college text books are being infiltrated with political trash and falsehoods
Not to mention that many [ex]JWs only have high school educations (absolutely NO offense intended)... and the textbooks there are SERIOUSLY lacking, biased, censored, and propaganda-ful!
A slave of Christ,
Hey Besty !
She has probably seen Scottish football fans in action and thought that at any moment your fiery Celtic ethnicity was about to explode, your very accent may have sounded threatening to her !
Kind regards to you and Sam,
Wobble (with tongue firmly in cheek)
AGuest - Christians are prepared to make a defense of their faith at any opportunity - yes? And welcome that opportunity - yes? Not that I had actually got to her faith at all, we were still discussing where she liked to get her scientific information from. But I agree that anything I did to create an 'atmosphere' over dinner at a friends house was bad form on my part. I misread her ability to cope - I thought she was more than capable (and willing) to engage in some lively discussion.
Merkaba - global warming is a fact. Critical thinking skills are your friend. Start another thread if you want to discuss, maybe with a link to the source of your 'PhD climatologists' information. Welcome to JWN.
Wobble - a distinct possibility I terrified the poor lil lady with my mean Scottish accent :-)
Depends on the person, none of your questions in themselves would put me out. But then, the tone in which they were asked might have an effect.
You have plenty practice defending the indefensible BTS :-) and as an attorney I thought she would be used to handling hostile questions, but 'evidently' not. But with her looking after 3 young boys on her own and being out of her own environment I admit to being insensitive to that.
there is a whole group of people fighting for the Clovis First theory, which was stupid from the onset.
I'd like to know what you think the shortcomings are. It seems to me that there is a sound foundation for it, if we look at the material culture.
I think that sometimes people get defensive because they don't have an answer question that they think they shoudl or the answer they have gets dissmissed as *insrt typical term here*.
I reconcile my faith and sceicne very easily and so have many believers through out time, since the very beginning probably.
How do I do that? simple, I try to understand BOTH sides without thinking either is right OR wrong, I take the argument for what it is, and argument base don an opinion, no more or no less.
The only time I get defensive is when someone falls from letting their argument speak for itself and begin to rely on smirk comments or slide remarks, which many people do when they see that their argument may not be as sound as they thought it was.
But everyone is different, I have found that, having friends that are Muslim, Hindi, Jewish, agnostic, atheists, JW's and so forth, the best way to discuss things is to understand that people are expressing their views in a honest and loving manner and to respect those views, so when I discuss those things I am never rude, condesending, use liy remarks, try to "be funny" as a way of devaluing their view, I don't try to play amateure physcologist or anything like that.
No one likes their views ridiculed or made out to be "childish" or "ignorant".
I guess being well-educated doesn't necessarily mean you have education in every possible subject.
I guess it doesn't necessarily mean you enjoy debating, either.