Definition of Atheist

by ZeusRocks 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • agonus

    Or perhaps you're implying that some who have faith have personally experienced a bona fide unquantifiable, i.e. personally witnessed a "miracle", seen a UFO, or some such. In that case, I've experienced my own unquantifiables (not the aforementioned kind however) so I guess I sort of understand.

  • agonus


    OK now you've got me intrigued ;) What exactly are you implying by "facts"? For some, the fact that evolution occurs in nature may influence an atheistic worldview (though "Evolution=No God" is a strawman and a logical fallacy used by both camps) and for some, the fact that childbirth is a "miraculous" and life-changing experience may influence a theistic one (though "Babies=God" is the same thing).

    Although I do pretty much worship babies. :)

  • PSacramento

    I belieive in God, of course AND I believe in Evolution, I see no conflict as do many others like me.

    My Faith in God is not, alas, like those that Jesus said "Blessed are those that have not seen and believe".

    It is based on my life experiences and personal revelation to Me, so my faith is not "blid faith", but base don facts as I know them and have expereinced them.

  • agonus

    Understood. Unfortunately your "facts", like my own "facts", are pretty much just "facts" to ourselves and ourselves alone and no amount of exposition will convince others... but I'm OK with that, as I'm sure you are.

  • PSacramento

    Indeed, I know that the facts of today were the "facts" of the past and I hope that to be the case in the future.

    If not, I can live with that too.

    We may never know, in our lifetime, if there is lif eon other planets, but it would be very cool if there was.

    We may never know, in our lifetime, if there is unrefutable proof of God, but that would eb very cool too.

  • agonus

    Yeah, it would be cool, wouldn't it? What was it Einstein said about imagination?

  • PSacramento

    "Imagination is everything. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."Albert Einstein

  • sir82

    An atheist believes in just one less god than a Christian does.

  • leavingwt

    "When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

    -- Stephen F. Roberts

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog



    Atheist, christian, buddhist, quaker, agnostic, etc. are labels that people take upon them. I think it is more prudent to give the labels the meaning the people who carry them want them to have, rather than the derogatory or logically unsound definition you want them to carry.

    So now you're speaking for all atheists? I get labeled by people all the time. Sometimes it fits sometimes not.

    When people say things like sir82: "An atheist believes in just one less god than a Christian does." It demonstrates they don't understand me, or how I think. I'm not going to pound my fists or insist that they get with my program (as if they could). I don't lose sleep over it.

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