Have you ever heard JWs say, "our ministry isn't about making converts", or similar? Would you consider that line of thought accurate?

by miseryloveselders 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    This past Tuesday night, there was a part on the Service Meeting entitled, "Highlight the Practicle Value of the Good News." The brother initiated the part by asking, "what do people mistakenly think our reason is for knocking at their door?" There were several comments given. One of which was a brother who stated, "they believe we're seeking converts." The brother delivering the part acknowledged all of the comments and validated each one as mistaken views that householders have of us knocking on their doors. At that time, my memory kicked in, and I remember an experience I had at a door several years ago. Mid summer this fellow let me go through my presentation, and even let me read a scripture. When I went to offer the magazines, he stated politely, "no thank you. I'm satisfied with my religion. I'm not looking to convert." I responded without even thinking, "I'm not here to convert you." To which he replied in a calm manner, "yes, you are." I stated, "no, all we do as JWs is preach the good news of God's Kingdom to people. Its up to people to decide what they want to do." He chuckled and said, "if you say so", and he laughed more as I was shaking his hand. I've never really given that much thought about that incident until this past Tuesday night.

    I've seen newspaper and magazine articles that label the JW preaching work as "recruitment." Even "aggressive recruitment." When you think about it, what other reason could accurately describe why we go door to door? If in the ministry, we run into a Baptist, or Catholic, and they allow us to read a scripture, or discuss anything with us, we can't simply call it encouragement from one Christian to another. Why? Because all other religions are Babylon the Great. For all other people who don't study with us, and eventually get baptized as JWs, we consider those as ones who allowed the thorns to choke out their faith. JWs are taught that salvation depends in more words or less, becoming a part of God's chosed organization. So why do JW fool themselves into thinking the ministry isn't about recruitment or seeking converts? They're fooling themselves. Is my thinking on point?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I heard this argument many times. It was totally disingenuous. What else are they there for? JWs believe that people must join them in order to be acceptable to god. Why wouldn't they try to convert them?

  • mrsjones5

    The whole point of the jw ministry is recruitment. Why deny the obvious?

  • undercover

    I came to the same realization when I was first deprogramming. I started a thread on it sometime back...

    My comment was:

    How many times did we respond to the classic householder line, "I have my own religion" with "we understand that most people have their own religion. We are not here to convert peope. We are just sharing a hope from the Bible...." or some such nonsense? We most certainly were there to convert people. I myself spouted that line countless times. And each time I said it, I knew I was lying. My father-in-law loves to tell field ministry experiences. Each time he says that he overcame some objection and each time he tells them that "we aren't trying to convert....". I couldn't help myself one day. I interupted him and said, "yes you are. That's exactly what your're trying to do. That's the whole reason you're there, is to try to get him to study, then come to the hall and then get baptized. To tell him anything else is a deception".

    Wouldn't it be refreshing to hear a JW tell the truth for once and say, "Hello, my name is (insert name here). I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses. We're calling today to see if you'd be interested in buying some of our literature and converting to our religion."

  • nelly136

    of course they have to deny theyre recruiting, else they might sound like a ...cult.

    on the other hand when you think of how many hours we spent drudging from door to door, doing our pre armageddon house hunting with yet another faceful of abuse from a disgruntled householder (well that one wont be needing their houses after A day), it didnt really matter if they converted as long as we'd done our monthly quota to save our own arses.

    so i'd say getting a live one to buy donate for the junk mail or become an rv/bible study wasnt really a must just an added bonus.

  • wasblind

    things JW's deny

    1) That they are false prohets

    2) They don't go door to door to recruit

    3) They never set 1975 as a date for armeggedon

    can anyone think of anything else?

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Oh definitely. It helps keep the witnesses plugging along in field circus despite the lack of success. During a pioneer meeting once the CO said that in order to succeed in the ministry "we must appreciate the ministry's "deep spiritual significance." Boy did I soak that up.

    edited: oops I misread the question in the post... lol.

    It is partially accurate. Witnesses do believe they are looking for deserving ones. However with such a low conversion rate they fall back on that line as to why they are spinning their wheels.

  • peacedog

    I agree cult classic.

    The dubs think they are looking for converts (for lack of a better word), and so they're being dishonest when they say they're not..

    But I don't believe that making converts is the Society's purpose in requiring the rank and file to go knocking on doors. It's about keeping them busy, making them feel "special", and alienating them from the rest of society...

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    A JW could honestly say: "Were not here to convert you on the spot. We know that won't happen but we would like to suck you in gradually over a period of a few months". I don't think that would work so it is better to just keep lying and claim that they aren't there to convert anyone.

  • Ice cream
    Ice cream

    I can't remember where i read it or who said it but they're changing the emphasis of the of the preaching work from converting/saving mankind, to praising Jah. They're doing this to excuse the success rate in the ministry which is on the decline and will be very obviously so in the next few years. It enables them to say 'We don't care that the ministry is a failure we're only doing it to praise Jehovah anyway'. Deluded f*ckers!

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