QuietlyLeaving asked this of me on another thread:
But snowbird I have to ask you why you disagree with affirmative action. One of the best things about a policy of affirmative action is that an establishement is saying 'you are welcome here' to minorities and that 'we regret that we excluded you in the past'.
While I acknowledge the good that affirmative action has done, QL, I've also been a witness to its downside.
Let me explain: I was once sitting for an examination for a State job, and I overheard a conversation between two other ladies who were also taking the exam.
One commented on how difficult the exam was; the other somewhat flippantly replied that it was ok if they didn't do their best because the State of Alabama is an affirmative action employer. In other words, why sweat it? We're going to be considered anyway, despite whatever score we make.
My heart sank somewhere near my toes. I was so disappointed in them. During the break, I called them on their remarks. They looked at me like I was crazy! At home and at school, I'd always been taught to do my best and not expect any favors - I simply couldn't fathom their nonchalance. I confess, that experience left a sour taste in my mouth.
It left me wondering how many others felt the same way as those two ladies.