JW men - wordly women

by larc 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • jayhawk1

    If I had sex with a woman before I left the JWs, I would have gone after a "worldly woman." Worldly women in my mind probably wouldn't turn me in. I think it would have been my luck that the JW woman would have had a guilty conscience.

    Just my thoughts, but I certainly couldn't speak for every JW man.

    For the record, I didn't have sex while being an active JW. Now after.....

    Is this a light saber in my pocket or am I just happy to see you?

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • Aussiemanhunter

    Gerday Emporer Lark,

    Thinking back to my days as a member of my version of "the Truth" , I remember being attracted to the "bad girls" for three main reasons.

    The first of these was the warmth of personality radiated by these young women. "Sensous" would perhaps be an appropiate label for them. From my point of view, they displayed a "freedom" of expression in their physical carriage, personal appearance and behaviour that the "good sisters" dared not show, even if they had wanted to.

    I guess, it was my own inner rebellion and the repression I felt, that attracted me to those young women who displayed apparent
    "freedom of mind" by the way they lived.

    Secondly, there was always a chance of tasting the "forbidden fruit", meaning, sex before marriage.

    Thirdly,I strongly suspect that breaking the strict code of sexual conduct was also a major psychological "turn on" in itself, adding a counter balancing element into a ridgidly repressive, unhealthy, lifestyle.

    Michael (The Magnificent Aussie Manhunter)

  • SYN

    >> JW women are the horniest women on the planet. They ain't getting any. I've told you all before that in my younger days, attendance at a circuit or district assembly was nothing but one big fuck-o-rama. Had to rest up for a week before and a week after each one, or I'd have been a dead man.

    Damn, Francios, you are fucking funny! *ROFL*

    "I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious sensibilities of anyone." -- Charles Darwin, The Origin Of Species, 1869.

  • Christina77

    Hi LARC!!!!

    I just want to let you know that I enjoyed this post... I feel the love from you already, especially from the posts of mine that you have answered!!! But I just want to let you know that I forgive you...

    Yes I love the fact that I am a worldly woman!!!! and the fact that I have corrupted my boyfriend, yet I am his 3rd worldly woman!!!! So I guess you would have to talk to him about why he chose to do what he does with me... and I did mention to him what Frency brought up about Paradise... I asked him flat out how he could get involved with me and ruin that for himself and if we do get married how he can deal with not having me and his family there!!! I think he would be bored with a JW woman... they would probably think he is a freak for what he has learned by being with me and be scared and run right to the elders!!!

    And he should be afraid to have me at his KH... for fear that I might tell someone about our little lifestyle!!! When he told me about his beliefs, he asked me not to tell his parents that we are having sex... I thought that was absolutely hysterical... I wanted to know if they would ask me if we were having relations... and I told him that I wouldn't lie to them... so it should be fun!!!

    oh and by the way... I still don't like that word that you use... you need to find and equal word for them... because they know what they are doing and are corrupting themselves... but as usual it is ok for men to sleep around before marriage and the woman gets blamed for it every time!!!

    anyway too much for now, will talk more later
    love as always

  • TR


    I agree with all three points.

    When I was a JW, I remember some fine looking sisters in the cong. However, many were of the mind that they wanted to wait til after 'geddon to get married. Maybe this is a fourth reason.


    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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