Find refreshment in spiritual things - this weeks tower.

by Cook My Socks UK 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Cook My Socks UK
    Cook My Socks UK

    I just thought that I would share an observation regarding Par 3 of this weeks WT study. The paragraph says in part " Jehovah's Witnesses find genuine refreshment through up building Christian fellowship".

    I am wondering if any readers / posters on this forum that still do or used to attend meetings have any thoughts on this. I was just thinking as I got to this point in the article that this really is not the case for me and sometimes for my family. I usually come home from a meeting feeling fed up, discouraged and irritated. I find that there is more gossip and "clicks" than in any other gathering that I attend, be it social or work related.

    BTY For any that will remember a previous post of mine re. my first study project on "spiritual light", all is going well and thanks for all that have helped so far.

  • man in black
    man in black

    I agree with you 100%.

    It seemed that when I would get ready for meetings my spirit would literally start to fall.

    During the meeting, my head felt like it was suspended in a giant bowl of jello.

    Then afterwards, I was relieved that the meeting was over, but the aftereffects of the comments, teachings, would knock the wind out of my sails for the day.

  • cameo-d


    OMG! Here comes the punch and cookies.

    Could this be a subliminal suggestion that the Kool Aid is about to be poured?

  • Soldier77

    I don't know where they get that shit, but I've never walked out of the meeting refreshed. Ever. My mind literally rots inside there listening to the indoctrination and propaganda coming from the stage.

  • yourmomma

    i found meetings to be so long and brutal that when they were over i would feel so relieved that it was euphoric. maybe that is refreshed? LOL

  • carvin

    They pound the notion into you week after week until you feel guilty if you don't feel up-lifterd. It is very similsr to the Mormons saying that you will get the "burning in the bossom" if you truly accept Joseph Smith as the true profit. And when you don't get the burning there is a problem with you. So those in dub land feel they have to be up-lifted and when they don't they pretend they are as not to arouse attention.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Never refreshed! I think I viewed the "religion" like exercise... if it didn't hurt I wasn't trying enough.... it always hurt

  • Finally-Free

    I haven't been to the hall in over 7 years, but if I remember correctly the most refreshing part of the meeting was the part where the concluding song ended and everyone made a mad dash for the exit.


  • exwhyzee

    To be honest the only thing that was refreshing was to see the ones that were my friends, but looking back this may have been because I was making the best of a bad situation. The friends vanished as soon as I stopped going. Occasionally there would be an enjoyable talk, but mostly this was by comparison to the others that were not.

  • donny

    I used to hate it when the Society made statements like this that they assumed also applied to me. Once back in the late 1980's, Carey Barber gave the main talk at our disctrict convention and this was mentioned in a Watchtower. It had a comment that went something like "Everyone in attendance listened attentively as Brother Barber spoke about how close we were to the day of Jehovah."

    I remember half of the people (including me) were nodding out due to the boring monotone speech of Barber and the boring subject matter he was discussing.

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