Find refreshment in spiritual things - this weeks tower.

by Cook My Socks UK 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gutted

    I did feel upbeat after certain meetings, but that was just the social aspect of talking with my "friends".

    Also after conventions I would remark "that's what I needed" because it would reinvigorate you to do the things that would presumably save your life.

    The last few months before I even knew that the WT is BS I HATED the meetings, the superficial scripted comments, the repressed atmosphere, and especially giving talks.

    It's been about a month and a half since I've been to a meeting and it feels FUCKING AWESOME and I'm never going back.

    I am now TRULY refreshed!

    This thread has made my day.

  • ambersun

    I quite agree gutted. I have not been to a meeting in over 20 years but STILL get that wonderful feeling of freedom every Sunday when I wake up knowing I can spend the day exactly how I want to. No more having to get up at some unearthly hour for a Sunday to go banging on doors then dress up in WT regulation meeting clothes to go and sit in a stuffy Hall for 2 hours. What bliss, it is so REFRESHING

  • kurtbethel

    " Jehovah's Witnesses find genuine refreshment through up building Christian fellowship".

    I have found that during my study Jehovah's Witnesses are too bust bashing and hating on Christians to be capable of any kind of fellowship with them.

  • snowbird

    I've grown to hate the words genuine, refreshment, privileges, and timely.

    I wonder why?


  • James_Slash

    Perhaps they are talking about the 'fellowship' that occurs when the Presiding overseer organises one of his overly-competitive football matches in which unbelievers, faders and JW's all play together. This used to happen many years ago and would often end up in confrontations.

    Or perhaps it is referring to the young brothers/sisters who after the Sunday meeting will head into the local night-spot and drink the night away?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Jehovah's Witnesses find genuine refreshment through up building Christian fellowship"

    It's funny that they have to add "genuine" before "refreshment". Just like thay have to add that "Jehovah's Witnesses are 'truly' happy," or something like that. This means that it was a drag getting ready and going, the meeting was nothing more than the usual recruitment tactics instruction, and Br. Selfrighteous cornered you about weekend service. Sure, you didn't feel 'refreshment' or 'happy', but Watchtower Corp. has instructed you that, even better, you find "genuine refreshment" and are "truly happy". Symantics and hype doctored by the corporation to somehow convince the r&f that despite their unhappiness, they are "truly happy". Classic brainwashing.

  • onemore

    Ever since I've been missing more meetings....the thought of going to one makes me wanna... mentally.

  • truthlover

    I sit there and say -- again -- we have heard this over and over --but isn't that the reason for the repetition -- indocrination -- many dictators used the same rhetoric

    Now I fully am well aware, there is no new information they can garner -- just revise what they have and throw the masses into utter confusion and then utter the words -- new light -- new understanding -- well Jehovah/YHWH doesn't change -- His word hasn't changed, it still has the same message -- so why cant the FDS just leave well enough alone, take the hit and say "WE DON"T KNOW!"

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    I suspect that the purpose of the statement in question is to paint a rosy picture for those reading it that have not been to a KH.

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