Hello from a Pagan UBM

by Libelle 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    Hi, Libelle!!

    I used to be "Pagan" myself; now I'm a "Neo-PolyTheist"!!! (Click on this link: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/members/private/189699/1/I-am-NO-LONGER-a-Pagan to read my thread on the subject...)

    Welcome onboard!!! This is one of the best sites I've found for information and personal experiences, support and general camaraderie amongst ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, dis-satisfied Jehovah's Witnesses [occasionally called the "conscious" class...] and ardent supporters/apologists of the religion...

    I left the religion around 24-25 years ago but didn't really know the "inside" story - stories - until coming to this website around a year and a half ago... And boy, did my jaw ever hit the floor!!!

    Feel free to look around, and have fun!! Be sure to ask questions; you might want to check out any questions you have about specific posters by clicking on their names and looking up "Topics Posted" - it might give you a 'feel' for that person's particular 'take' on things...

    Again, GREETINGS!!!

    Zid - the resident she-devil...

  • Libelle

    Ty Snowbird. Oh and actually Libelle is one word - German for dragonfly. ;)

    JWoods, oh so true. I'm also a Unitarian Universalist, which is also a CYOA Religion of sorts. BUt yes, this is really testing my concept of tolerance... really tesing it!

    Hi Ziddina! Thanks for your introduction! I'm ok with the label Pagan, and anyway polytheist would be not exactly accurate for me. I believe the Divine is present in many/most things and is more than a composite of all that... so sort of polytheistic in wway, but not exactly. And yes, that belief is also strongly tested by JWness. Oh is it ever!

  • garyneal
    So for instance, my seasonal decorations do not happen, since they are not allowed to look at them, and I don't want to put them in a tough place.

    Yet, this is who you are and what you would do otherwise. Now, don't get me wrong, I can respect and appreciate tolerance for others and their beliefs, but what about yours? You said you two had one child together, what are you allowed to do with this child? I bet that child is allowed to look at his Watchtower magazines.

    I don't know. I certainly don't envy your situation.

  • Libelle

    I guess it's less about the tolerance for his beliefs and more about not putting my stepkids in a place where they're going to be continually hounded. He's only been back in for 3 years. We used to celebrate holidays and birthdays and such, so it's hard for the kids to suddenly not have that. Harder still for them to be put in a position where they see something they'd like but cannot have.

    At this point, with our daughter, we're basically splitting her time between our religions like a divorced couple would. I don't know, I figure it's practice for the future, honestly.

  • Lozhasleft

    Libelle - welcome to the forum - its a good place to be with the majority of ppl really lovely and supportive. I dont envy you your situation and hope that things start working out for your family...

    Loz x

  • garyneal
    We used to celebrate holidays and birthdays and such, so it's hard for the kids to suddenly not have that. Harder still for them to be put in a position where they see something they'd like but cannot have.

    This is the part the tee's me, a 'backslidden' Jehovah's Witness partakes in holiday celebrations with you and then that witness decides to go all into the religion again and he expects everything to change to suit him.

    Don't mind me, this is just something that really irritates me about them.

    At this point, with our daughter, we're basically splitting her time between our religions like a divorced couple would.

    Well, I wish you the best. As my mom would tell me, "You'll know when you've had enough."

    I am curious though, you said you have step-kids. What happened to their mother?

  • Libelle

    This is the part the tee's me, a 'backslidden' Jehovah's Witness partakes in holiday celebrations with you and then that witness decides to go all into the religion again and he expects everything to change to suit him.

    Don't mind me, this is just something that really irritates me about them.

    OH yeah, you and me both, amongst the myriad of things that irritates me.

    Their mom is not exactly in the picture, but still to a degree (phone calls, occ. visits). That's about all I will say at this point.

    Thanks LHL. I appreciate the welcome

  • Mary
    I'm a pagan married to a man who's now a JW.

    Oh man.......that's got to be tough! Talk about extreme viewpoints!

    There are numerous people on here who are married to practicing JWs and they'd be able to give you advise, or even relate what it's like to live with someone who doesn't share your beliefs.

    What made him go back?

  • bohm

    Libelle - WELCOME!

  • garyneal
    Oh man.......that's got to be tough! Talk about extreme viewpoints!

    Well at least she's not a Satanist.

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