Hi, Libelle!!
I used to be "Pagan" myself; now I'm a "Neo-PolyTheist"!!! (Click on this link: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/members/private/189699/1/I-am-NO-LONGER-a-Pagan to read my thread on the subject...)
Welcome onboard!!! This is one of the best sites I've found for information and personal experiences, support and general camaraderie amongst ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, dis-satisfied Jehovah's Witnesses [occasionally called the "conscious" class...] and ardent supporters/apologists of the religion...
I left the religion around 24-25 years ago but didn't really know the "inside" story - stories - until coming to this website around a year and a half ago... And boy, did my jaw ever hit the floor!!!
Feel free to look around, and have fun!! Be sure to ask questions; you might want to check out any questions you have about specific posters by clicking on their names and looking up "Topics Posted" - it might give you a 'feel' for that person's particular 'take' on things...
Zid - the resident she-devil...