My Brother's #2 talk is finished!

by mindfield 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindfield

    Well, it's finally done. However it's in French, so most of you won't be able to read it, but I could probably translate it if you were so inclined...

    Ce livre contient une promesse pour l’avenir. Il contient des principes qui sont encore utiles aujourd’hui. Il nous met en garde contre les fausses religions et organisations de nos jours et contre les faux prophètes. Vous l’avez deviné, c’est la Bible. Le lisez-vous à vos enfants? Accordez-vous une importance a lire tout les versets de la Bible, sans exception?

    Lisons Salomon.adf;lskdjf

    Ce chapitre n’est qu’une petite partie de l’érotisme contenu dans le livre de asdfas. Allez-vous le lire ce soir a vos enfants? Allez vous lire les autres versets du livre, tel que : « Tes deux seins sont comme deux faons » ou même « Que tes seins deviennent comme les grappes de la vigne, et l’odeur suave de ton nez comme celle des pommes. »?

    C’est sur qu’il y a beaucoup de symbolisme dans ce livre. Mais essayez d’expliquer cela a un enfant de 5 ans, qui vient juste d’entendre un poème qui est encore regardé aujourd’hui comme un poème d’érotisme classique. Laisseriez-vous votre enfant regarder un film XXX juste pour lui laisser voir la beauté de l’amour? Sûrement pas.

    Et si on regardait le récit de David et Bath-Sheba? Dans celui-ci on trouve la nudité, le viol, et une grossesse illégitime. Exposeriez-vous vos enfants a ces activités a la télévision? Et pourquoi pas le récit de Lot et ses deux filles? Souvenez-vous quand les deux filles l’ont enivré pour avoir des relations sexuelles avec lui? Avec tant d’abus sexuel dans les familles de nos jours, pourquoi exposer nos enfants a cette débauche sexuelle? Et pourtant, ce n’est pas tout. Un peu avant, Lot avait été visité par les hommes homosexuels de Sodome. Pour ne pas se faire violer, Lot va jusqu'à offrir ses deux filles vierges pour satisfaire leurs avances, et du même coup, leur laisser se faire violer et abuser par ces hommes dégoûtants.

    Quels sortes d’histoires voulons-nous que nos enfants entendent? Il serait important de payer une attention plus que passive sur l’instruction biblique que nous leurs donnons. Exprimons-nous sur l’amour de Dieu, et non sur la description de la bestialité. Parlons du paradis futur, et non sur le viol. Le temps viendra ou l’enfant sera assez grand, mais gardons leur innocence intacte pour le plus longtemps possible.


    Phew... tell me what you think about it!
    (The asdfasd things are just there because I can't recall the exact verses in the Song of Solomon.)

    (And Fred Hall... I'm not interested in what you think. Sorry...)

  • neyank

    Say What???????


  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    Is anyone interrested in what Fred Hall has to say?

    I might be if he ever said more the 10 words...

  • mindfield

    This book contains a promise for the future. It contains principles which are still useful today. It warns us against the false religions and organizations nowadays and against the false prophets. You've guessed it, it's the Bible. Do you read it with your children? Do you attach an importance to reading all the verses of the Bible, without exception?

    Let us read Salomon.adf;lskdjf

    This chapter is but a small part of the eroticism contained in the book of Song of Songss. Are you going to read it this evening with your children? Are you going to read the other verses of the book, such as: "Your two breasts are like two faons " or even "May your breasts become like the bunches of the vine, and the odor of your nose like that of apples "?

    Of course, there is much symbolism in this book. But try to explain that to a 5 year old child, who has just heard a poem which is still looked at today like a classical erotic poem. Would you let your child look at a porn movie just to let to him see the beauty of love? Surely not.

    And we were to examine the account of David and Bath-Sheba? In this one one find nudity, rape, and an illegitimate pregnancy. Would you expose your children to these activities on television? And why not the account of Lot and his two daughters? Do you remember when the two girls got him drunk to have sexual intercourse with him? With so much does sexual abuse in families nowadays, why expose our children to this sexual vice? And yet, this is not all. Before, Lot had been visited by the homosexual men in Sodom. Not wanting to be raped, Lot decides to offer his two virgin daughters to satisfy their advances, and at the same time, to let to them be raped and abused by these disgusting men. What kind of stories do we want that our children to hear? It would be important to pay an more than passive attention on their biblical instruction that we give them. Let's talk about God's love, and not on the description of bestiality. Let us speak about the future paradise, and not on rape. The time will come when the child will be old enough to read these accounts. Let's try to keep their innocence intact for as long as possible.


    This, of course, is just a quick translation... not the real thing.

  • Fredhall

    Rolling Rock,

    One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    See just like that Fred...

    Do you think your funny or something? Cuz your not funny at all. I have never seen you add anything good to the fourm.(just 2 bit lines) I am sure that you have, and I missed it. could you please show me where it is?

    Wit is something you can't fake Fred. As we can all see in evey post you make...

  • Fredhall

    Rolling Rock,

    Are you jealous of me?

  • SYN

    Hehe...that's funny! But you will get dragged off the stage by the second sentence for sure!

    "I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious sensibilities of anyone." -- Charles Darwin, The Origin Of Species, 1869.

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    Yep Fred you got me there big guy. I am jealous of you 2390 post of BS...

    I like your posting style Fred vary nice. I mean how do you put up with all the rest of us dumb asses on the board?

  • Fredhall

    Rolling Rock,

    I don't believe that everyone on this board is a dumb ass.

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