EX - I actually think that's more out of fear, at least it must be for some of them.
by VampireDCLXV 21 Replies latest jw experiences
EX - I actually think that's more out of fear, at least it must be for some of them.
Before I joined this site I sometimes used to look at another site called Answerbag.
The JW section is something else. Of course, lots of questions are posted to JWs - some are genuine whereas others I would say are to wind the JWs up.
However, what I have noticed is that the downright rude responses that are given by some of the JWs on there. Fine, I can understand them defending their religion - that is their right. However, as Christians I would have thought that they should be polite at all times regardless. It is one thing being rude to someone asking a deliberately provocative question (thought as Christians they should not). Sometimes they are really offensive in response to really genuine questions.
There was one asking why KHs did not have windows.
One response was to the effect "of course, they have windows, why wouldn't they? We don't get up to anything inside that needs to be hidden away, you are asking this question to cause trouble" or something to that effect.
However, in the UK I can vouch for the fact that our KH did not have windows. Of course, this must vary but for me for someone to be so defensive over something so trivial is unbelievable - just makes me think of all the baggage they must be carrying to react so.
When I was still in there was a very atractive girl that started studying with a sister and was attanding meetings. My best friend and I honestly were neve inetersted in her other than her being a witless. We never thought about asking her out or anything, however in her mind she was the only thing on every males mind. We would say hello to her and her standard responce would be - "I'm engaged". The first time was a shock, the second time was strange, the third time, was a decloration of war! Needless to say I had fun with that for about two months, until she was no longer engaged. One meeting we each said hello to her right after each other four times, and we got the same responce each time. It was so funny to watch the reaction of everyone around her everytime she would give that responce, especally around the seventh or eighth time.
About two years later I was married and my wife and her became friends and one night were were talking about "old times" and I told this story, and she tried to say it did not happen. However my mother and father were there (My dad's an elder) and they both told her that i was accurate in my story, the look on her face was pricless.
Why is it that crap like that are what we recall as good times in the WT?
There was one asking why KHs did not have windows.
One response was to the effect "of course, they have windows, why wouldn't they?
Newer Kingdom halls in the US don't have windows, unless certian building codes have to be met,
They say this is to save on utility and building costs. Until it was remodeled, our old hall had windows. one time a sister brought a boy to the meeting she had been calling on out in service. His mother finally decided to allow him to go. During the meeting, someone through the window and the broken glass fell on the poor kid and cut up his ear. She had to take the kid home with a cut up ear and explain what happened. I never saw the kid again.
witnesses are the biggest: judge/jury out there.
everything you do, has to be scrutinized.
that is why my wife and I don't invite them over any more.
my children have to hide their lego/harry potter wii game when my in-laws come over
aussie oz:
Or that they are first to preach forgivness ...
and the last to practice it.
And if you bring it up YOU will recieve counsel.
Snakes (Rich )
Exwhyzee - thanks for your explanation re windows (or lack of them) I guessed that there would be a valid reason. Poor kid that got hurt though, no-one deserves that.
It was just the JW's response to that question, it is neither here nor there whether they have windows or not but she seemed to take it as some sort of accusation that the questioner was insinuating that something untoward went on in the KH whereas it was a just and valid question which should have prompted a sensible reply like you just gave.
A sister who was single for the lord (or until she found a decent brother) would tell other sisters that a brother would only approach you in conversation if he was interested. I never said a single word to her.
I got councilled for "oscene jesting" when I told a joke using the word leprachaun on account of how it was a mythical creature. There were some very up tight JW's and I wouldn't have put myself in that category until I worked in a secular team where they ripped the p1ss out of me.
JW's take themselves way too seriously considering they don't take what anyone else says seriously.
MMCIV, your post reminds me of a conversation I had when I was new to the KH.
There was an Irish chap who had always made me welcome the first few Sundays that I attended and joking around when he was talking to him one day I said "You've kissed the Blarney Stone". Quick as a flash he said that he wasn't superstitious.
As everyone on this site knows these quips don't mean anything of the sort, I am not superstitious either anymore than most people I know, it is just banter. I was so surprised by his attitude over something meaningless and trivial. I began to see why everyone behaved like robots as you cannot even joke around with JWs as they seem to have had a sense of humour bypass.
All good points people...
It frustated me when I would approach sisters just to talk, have some friendly banter and how eventually they'd back away because they thought I was "interested". Is it so wrong just to be friendly? It also puzzled me that whenever I'd tell any female that she was looking good that day, it seemed to me that she'd be backing away because she thought it was a come-on. I dunno. Is it really?
I once made a crack about "karma" and the bro I was talking to reacted negatively. Come on! It was just a joke. I don't really believe in that stuff. Man, JW's do take themselves way too seriously. Lighten up already.