Oh get OFF it Prissypants!
You're just irate that now folks know you for what you really are. You can dish it out but you can't take it. I've heard you trashing Tina's appearance, calling her a drag queeen etc. You never hesitate to say shitty things about others; as you prove every time you talk to Wendy. I was in chat the night you were screeching at Jan H insisting he reveal the members of the alleged secret elite mail list, screaming at him that you KNEW he was on the list. YOu were not then, nor have you ever been, ladylike.
You were sure happy to let Stephanus post pics of some hot biker babes in leather and were quite willing to pretend to inquirers that it was you. Your protests about Sydney Bethel and your need for privacy are just bullshit. If you were so paranoid about your identity, why go to all the apostofests and let your pic be taken in the first place? Oh right... because you're a coward, too chickenshit to tell your family the truth about your double life.
You're just mad that now people have seen what a fat cow you really are. Don't want your pic splattered on the internet? Quit playing games and acting coy, keep your picture in your pants with your brain.
I've been sick of your whinging for months, and I'm not alone in that opinion.
Nobody anywhere gives a rat's ass if you're in or out of the cult. Your paranoia is your problem. DEAL WITH IT and shut the hell up already. Just quite whining. Nobody cares about your widdle hurt feelings.