Your Opinions Please!!!!

by Ranchette 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • think41self


    Maybe you didn't have time to read all the posts above. The perpetrator has been identified, and was shouted at from the rooftops by Prisca, both in chat and on this board. Many other people also "shouted" at Kent for his behavior. Do you understand now? THAT is why some of us want it to move along to a private means of communication.

    The person who sent the pic of Prisca in the first place(unless it was Prisca herself) how do we know who sent it? As was also stated above...that person is not a perpetrator...their intent may well have been innocent. They may also have been sent Prisca's pic by someone other than the original sender. Don't you people do that? And don't you receive emails from someone that has already been sent to others before you, maybe 5 or 10 people? THAT is why I am saying that the original sender may not even know that they are responsible for Kent ending up with the pic...therefore cannot "come forward" as you say.

    I agree with you that telling a victim to shut up and get over it is unhealthy...but let's not get carried away here and compare this to rape! I would think rape victims would be offended at the comparison. Yes, her trust was violated, and Kent attempted to intimidate her. I say attempted because Prisca quickly told him that she was not going to be threatened and intimidated by him. So she had the satisfaction of knowing that she stood up for herself and refused to be blackmailed...which I admire. She also made a public outcry about this was referenced in the previous posts. So, in my opinion the situation has been dealt with as much as can be, and those of us who have posted here for a little bit are sick and tired of it being brought up in even unrelated threads and chats. It just starts this whole discussion all over again. Do you have any idea how many times we have already discussed it? But she brings it up again, for all the new people, and we have to hear the same protests of outrage and support.

    Yes, it's a public discussion board, and yes she can talk about whatever she wants. But as Venice brought out, all it does is open the door for people to make hurtful comments once you have to ask yourself...why is she doing it? Frankly, I like Prisca, I just wish she would let this subject drop into the private realm. I am tired of running into it on threads where it is unexpected. That's all!


    It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!

  • Prisca


    The issue was brought up because:

    1) Kismet has recently been a victim of similar bullying

    2) Norm asked for evidence that threats of "outing" had happened before - so I told him what had happened to me (and am still being threatened by Kent, btw)

    So I didn't bring up the subject. It has been raised again due to the cowardly attacks on Kismet.

    And I can't promise it won't be brought up again. It's just one of those things, same as people constantly bring up wrongs by the WTS. I have tried to let the issue settle, but it was raised again by Kismet's situation.

    And there's no guarantee that such bullying tactics won't happen again. So if you don't like reading about it, too bad. Just read a different thread instead. There's hundreds to chose from.

  • Prisca
    They may also have been sent Prisca's pic by someone other than the original sender. Don't you people do that? And don't you receive emails from someone that has already been sent to others before you, maybe 5 or 10 people? THAT is why I am saying that the original sender may not even know that they are responsible for Kent ending up with the pic...

    That is completely ridiculous.

    You trying to tell me that someone would send on an email from me, to another person, without realising that there was a pic attached?? Why would they be forwarding an email from me, to someone else, when the pic was the only attachment that was on the email? And no other writing was in the email, so there would not be anything to pass on anyway?

  • think41self


    If Kent is still threatening you privately, then you can handle it privately.

    And as I said, I would be happy to not read about it if it didn't keep popping up in unrelated threads! Prior to Kismet's situation, you have brought it up in other threads. It's kind of hard to avoid them unless I just ignore all posts by you, which I really prefer not to do.

    You have had numerous people point out to you that your behavior is being perceived as a negative cry for attention. You refuse to see that, and instead, believe that you are on some kind of one woman crusade to protect internet privacy? Well, good luck to you. If you find a way to do that, you'll probably become rich and famous...and then your pic will be everywhere! Wouldn't that be ironic? And then we will all be saying "Ahhh, we knew her when.."


    Edited to add response to second post:

    No, silly girl. What I meant was...if the original recipient of your pic innocently thought they would share your pic with a friend, that they trusted...and that friend did likewise...and so on, and so on. Then the original recipient would have no idea who else ended up with the picture. And all of that with no malice aforethought. See what I mean?

  • yrs2long

    Hi Tracy,

    I did read the posts above and others in various threads and noted that Kent was the one who did the actual uploading of the photograph and that he then removed it. I also noted that there was public outcry over the situation. Perhaps in using the word 'perpetrator' I used too strong a word to refer to the person(s) who forwarded Prisca's picture. However, this seems to be the last aspect of the incident that just won't die and I would guess that there is a trail leading somewhere and all the participators on that trail probably check in here at some point or another. Now they certainly are not obligated to come forward but in the interests of resolving the matter once and for all, and in the interests of saving bandwidth on this subject it might behoove them to do so. Maybe Prisca's frequent postings on the subject may actually compel them to do so at some later date, who knows?

    Also, although I wasn't actually the person who likened the incident to a rape I do understand that rape can be non-physical and therefore can see how it might loosely apply.

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