Well, okay, then, dear NVL... let's continue (peace to you)... because truly you do NOT know what you're speaking of with regard to me. So...
This was not a draw. It wasn't a fight or a competition where one side wins or loses.
By draw I simply meant agree to disagree. But surely you understood that, yes, as I was speaking... how to you say... with colloquialism? I.e., meaning one thing but saying another. You know, like saying "creating"... when I really mean "converting"? How DID you not get that???
Those that speak science and math have specific terms to avoid confusion and to speak precisely and accurately.
People that speak in theological terms often can't even agree on what they are talking about.
I agree. But then, I don't speak in theological terms. I have nothing to do with theology. Yes, I know, you might want to call what I speak of theology... or "Korean"... but I ASSURE you... it's neither. It's "Chinese"... which is NOT the same thing, as I stated previously. Although there may be similar sounds, even written characters, they don't mean the same thing(s).
For example, look at the thread on Langston Hughes where you said his experience was wrong because it did not match yours.
You entirely misunderstand everything I stated there. First, I commented that the experience his AUNT informed him of was different than mine... and it was; however, I did not dismiss the entire experience. To wit:
My aunt told me that when you were saved you saw a light, and something happened to you inside!
Didn't quite happen to me that way, dear DF (peace to you)... but God does place the members in the Body just as HE wishes, so...(which merely sets forth that my experience was different, but so what?)
And Jesus came into your life!
My Lord, JAHESHUA, okay... but he came to me many weeks before the light... (which is merely a different experience, so what?)...
And God was with you from then on!
Okay, that part's true... (actually, it's Christ, but God through Christ, so I agreed... so what?)
She said you could see and hear and feel Jesus in your soul.
As is that part...
So, I agreed in great deal with Mr. Langston's aunt; however, by HIS experience... or should I say lack thereof... Mr. Langston disagreed with his aunt. Moving on...
So I sat there calmly in the hot, crowded church,
Yikes. Don't think it was really needed to happen in a church, though... crowded or otherwise... (which is the truth - it can happen anywhere... but in this case young Master Langston was obviously under the impression church was the only "place"... and that is NOT true...)
waiting for Jesus... to come to me.
And again, therein lies the rub. The invitation is for US... to come to CHRIST. And so I merely explained why young Master Hughes didn't HAVE a similar experience to what his aunt, I, and others have had... that perhaps if he had gotten up he MIGHT have had such, too. But... he didn't (get up)... and so he didn't (have ANY experience, contrary to what you're stating, that his lack of an experience was an experience). As a result, his faith was shipwrecked. IF, however, his aunt and the others who claimed to have known would have told him, "Child, it does not have to happen in a church, indeed, most often it WON'T... but be patient - when your time comes and you are truly wishing... if, at that time... you exercise just a modicum of FAITH... and come when Christ calls you... LISTEN to his voice and just go... then he will meet you halfway. He... will come... to you."
Like Peter, you at least gotta take a step on ONTO the water. Young Master Hughes didn't take that step. He didn't even take A step. And so spent the rest of his life denying God, rather than looking for him. I only explained why that was, dear NVL...
You keep saying you are getting on my nerves.
Well, perhaps I'm not alone, but apparently I am among those whose "state of education... with regard to basic science and math..." or lack thereof... cause you some kind of... ummm... irritation.
I know it's convenient to say that and then bow out of the discussion, but once again, I am not mad or upset, I am utterly sad at the state of education of people with regard to basic science and math when they try to talk about and argue about it.
Unfortunately, "sad"... utterly or otherwise... isn't the emotion that is coming across, though...
I understand your language perfectly well.
Truly, you don't. Just the comments regarding me talking to "god" shows that. Or even the use of the name "Jesus" shows that.
Where it went sideways was when you tried to wedge science into your theology when you didn't understand it and then argued with and misunderstood the corrections and then tried to wedge THAT into your theology.
I didn't try to wedge science into anything, and certainly not theology (the use of which word shows me, again, that you have absolutely no clue as to "my" language...). Science helped ME understand something that I did not before: that when God said, "Let there be light," which light I already knew to be my Lord... how it was that creation could come THROUGH that light. Now, I get that those who DO speak "theology" often try to do what you say here - wedge science into their theology - as well as that some theologians totally dismiss science while some scientists totally dismiss theology. IF you knew the language I speak, however, you would know that science very often HELPS us when "seeing" God... at least as to seeing His works. I totally believe that... and have stated that here on this board.
There you go, assuming what you you know that I think. You keep doing that and keep getting it wrong. Please do not do that.
No, dear one, truly... you BELIEVE I am speaking Korean because of the use of some similar sounds. For example, the word "spirit" and "spirituality." And "light". But these words have absolutely different meanings to ME... than to theologians (i.e., those who speak Korean). My language is NOT Korean, however, as I have tried to share with you - it is Chinese... which is a totally different language... and culture... altogether. But again, because of some of the similar sounds... you keep believing it's Korean. It is not.
I understand theology quite well.
Korean, yes.
I understand that you get your theology from dreams and voices
Then you entirely do NOT understand... for there are no dreams... or voices. There is only one voice. And I am always awake, indeed wide awake.
and it regularly changes and that you disregard the bible when it suits you.
Again, you obviously do NOT understand... and have made me out to be what YOU believe... not what I am. My faith, belief and understanding never changes. Hasn't since my Lord came to me. And I disregard the Bible... for ME... entirely. I have posted that here for over 10 years, now. Neither God nor Christ can be found in or understood by a book. It was NOT the book, the Bible, that helped me understand the entire subject of this discussion... that Christ is the light through which all creation came into being. It was Christ who helped me understand what the BOOK meant... that he was the light that the BOOK referred to. And it was a teeny tiny result from a pretty big science experiment that helped me understand HOW creation came through that light.
And the ONLY reason it came up is NOT because I went to the Bible and read something, but because another posted a quote FROM the Bible.
Now, if I fumbled in my articulation of what I came to understand... well, take me out and shoot me. But it won't change the TRUTH of that understanding. When the discussion started, someone mentioned God "saying"... and perhaps that event causing creation. It didn't sound too far-fetched to ME... because when WE speak air comes forth from us. Someone else explained, however, that it only occurs due to the air already within us. Which prompted me to ask... couldn't that be the same with God... that "air" (and I didn't mean such that comes out of us, per se) came forth from Him... His "breath"?
And I haven't give up that truth, either. Because what CAME forth from Him... was the Holy Spirit, my Lord. And since breath is life... and he is The Life... and holy spirit is God's life force, HIS breath, blood, semen... and Christ is the Holy Spirit... well... doesn't seem like all that complicated an equation to ME.
But, as I openly confess... I am a foolish thing... with a very simply mind. I am not ashamed of that, however, as it is this very foolish and simple mind... and heart... that have been granted to see and hear Christ... and God THROUGH Christ. So, if I had to choose... between your... ummmm... VERY LIMITING "intelligence"... and my very liberating simple-mindedness... I would choose the latter. All over again. Without hesitation.
Trying to have a thological discussion with you is like trying to nail jello to a wall since whenever you get backed into a corner you have a dream or an update from a voice and your position changes or you just ignore the discussion.
First, I would suggest you stop trying to have a "theological" discussion with me, because I don't know HOW to have such. I am not a theologian, I do not think theologically, and don't know HOW to have such a discussion. IF, however, you want to have a TRUTHFUL discussion... about God and Christ... about what has happened with ME... about what I hear or see... HOW... and from WHOM... I am MORE than willing to have that with you.
As for having a dream or update from a voice and changing MY position... or ignoring the discussion - ME? Ignore a discussion??? Surely, you jest! I may not have SEEN a discussion... because I can't always keep up with the board... and so didn't respond... but I have NEVER ignored a discussion...). You will have to show me an example, please. Because I absolutely disagree...
No offense, but I've seen you do that more than once.
Absolutely NO offense taken. But, please, you must show me where you believe I have done this. NOT because I don't think you can (which I truly don't) but because if I HAVE... I must correct it. Dear one, this is not a game with me... not at all! This is about MY salvation. If there is ANYWHERE where I have not been sincere, where it appears I have been deceitful... then I ask you to direct me there. So that I can clarify... or at least take note of and acknowledge MY error.
Again, no offense, I think you are amazingly sincere and brave for speaking up the way you do, but...
Sincere, yes. Brave... no. I am TERRIFIED... virtually every time I have to share something here. Again, this is NOT a game with me. Do you know what it is like to go on an international forum and state, with conviction that, unequivocally, something in the Bible is wrong?? "Theology" doesn't take kindly to such things, dear one, not at all. John Lennon was killed for singing "Imagine there's no heaven." And here I am saying, "I don't care if it's IN the Bible... it is NOT from God." You think I don't KNOW the "risk" in saying such things? I absolutely DO know of it. And yet, I do not hide... who... or what I am... or who I receive such from. And, where necessary, I use the Bible to back up the very thing I was given to share. NOT because I believe in the Bible (I do NOT)... but because there are those that do. THEY need to see it... in writing.
And even THEY very ofen get confused the by "contradictions" in the Bible. If, though, they would look to... and LISTEN to... Christ... they would know which things are TRUE... and which are NOT. In the Bible.
I am not brave, dear NVL, as I have said. I AM foolish. But I am foolish for a very good reason. A worthy reason. Which causes me to have courage, yes, but is not the same thing as being brave. I quake in my boots more often than you or anyone else here (except those who TRULY know me) can ever imagine.
we should probably leave off our discussion ... case in point. And again...
Oh, dear one, I was only trying to give you an out... and the dear people here a rest. Especially after that three page response. I know I'm verbose and long-winded. I know myself and I am honest with myself about myself. I would be MORE than happy to continue this discussion with you... so long as we leave off the barbs and sarcasm. I can't go there with you... and I sometimes feel compelled to when folks speak to me in such a manner. But I can't and so, as the saying goes, sometimes it's best to take one's leave in such circumstances. But if you want to continue, then by ALL means, let's.
Until then, however, I have to move on. Because I believe my point was made ... there it was.
Please see above...
So...what exactly was your point?
That when God "said"... "Let there belight"... what "came forth"... and thus, was "breathed" from Him... when it was "spoken"... was the "Word" of God... Christ... who is the light... and thus, the FORCE... through which... all creation came into being:
"All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence.What has come into existence by means of him was life, and the life (that HE is - John 14:6) was the light of men. And the light is shining in the darkness, but the darkness has not overpowered it. There arose a man that was sent forth as a representative of God: his name was John.This [man] came for a witness, in order to bear witness about the light (John 8:12) that people of all sorts might believe through him.He was not that light, but he was meant to bear witness about that light. The TRUElight that gives light (LIFE!) to every sort of man (so NOT just those who belong to him, and so NOT simply enlightenment, but LIFE - John 11:25) was about to come into the world."
I now get it more than I ever did before. My Lord had told me this, "explained" it to me. And I thought I understood it. But it wasn't until this thread... and discussing the photon experiment... that I actually GOT it... FULLY understood it.
That... was and is... my point.
I bid YOU peace, dear NVL... and ears to hear when the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:
"Come! Take 'life's water'... free!"
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,