I've never really understood the Watchtower's teaching on Jesus being Michael. Here is what I understand they teach:
1. Jehovah's first creation was the archangel Michael.
2. Jesus was nothing more than a perfect man, NOT Michael the archangel in human form.
3. Rather, when Jesus was conceived in Mary, Michael went out of existence and his impersonal life force was put into Jesus (analogous to sharing the same pacemaker).
4. When Jesus died, his impersonal life force went back into a recreated archangel Michael.
Since an "impersonal life force" by definition has nothing to do with mnd or personality, in what sense does the Watchtower claim that Jesus was Michael and that Michael is Jesus?
How would being animated by Michael's impersonal life force give Jesus memories of having glory with the Father before the world began, of seeing Satan fall like lightning, etc.?
Doesn't this teaching destroy the Jesus-as-perfect-counterpart-to-Adam claim? Didn't Jesus have something Adam didn't -- the animating life force of an archangel? And if that didn't give Jesus any advantage in the way he lived or died, then why did Jehovah give him Michael's impersonal life force at all? Why not just give Jesus his own impersonal life force and leave Michael intact?
Since, in Watchtower theology, the mind is just a part of the body which dies with the body and since they believe Jesus' body never rose from the dead, in what sense is it Jesus' mind and personality that exists in Heaven now as we see throughout the epistles and Revelation? At most, all that went to heaven was an impersonal life force, not Jesus' mind, personality, or memories.
If all that the Father sent to earth and received back 30-some years later was an impersonal life force, in what sense was it his Son that was sent and in what sense did he receive back a Son from the dead?