How do you deal with the thought of God after leaving the wts ?
I left two years ago, and I have always had a certain amount or "need" for a spiritual side of my life.
Growing up Catholic was good, when my parents became jw's suddenly everything/religion that was not bound together with the
wt society and their teachings was completley wrong.
So now that I have left, I have a hard time trying to understand different religions. I may read about them, or attend a service but that
jw teaching is still crawling around in my sub conscience snuffing out any positive thoughts.
I'm not the type of person who can just ignore the spiritual,, yet thirty years of wt indoctination still affects me.
I was watching STNG last week and the episode's regarding the borg were on, great stuff,,, but this is very much the way wt teaching hangs on
and prevents forward momentum.
"resistance is futile" doesn't work for me in the spiritual or religious terminology.
Any suggestions on how you deal with this part of life would be most appreciated.