The leaders (the governing body) talk to the rank and file like they are senseless little children it makes me sick. It’s the Pied Piper syndrome,” We don’t want to offend Jehovah” blah blah blah, Respect your body of elders and those taking the lead” blah blah blah, Are you keeping your self’s spotless and unblemished from the world”, I have heard so much controlling and manipulative catch phrases, I swear the Society must have paid a psychologist to come up with all this shit. (Well, I got that out of my system.)
(How the governing body) talks to the rank and file!
by Leprechaun 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yeah, it's pretty sickening once your eyes are opened to it.
finding my way
(Well, I got that out of my system.)
Good for you! It's been a long time since I read a WT or Awake, but they have always seemed to talk down to the flock. Rather than rich meaty spiritual food, it's more like pablum. Glad you belched it out of your system. Keeping that stuff in can cause some serious cramps.
Yea, i met a sister in the store yesterday
she claim she gonna visit me, gave me the
kinda i'm gonna preach to you look, she must
have not been warned by the last few who
promised to visit but didn't come back, she in for
an ass whoopin' if she think she gonna preach that
mess to me. and she gonna be whooped with her own literature.
yea, i'm gonna let her think she preachin' to me but she gonna be the one taught somethin'
Oh it's awful. I can't even read the stuff, the words they use just push my every button. You feel like you are always "in trouble" when you read their literature. It's a way to brow beat the flock and keep them inline and feeling "good for nothing."
Interestingly, my elder/COBE brother told me (when we had "THE TALK), that he didn't like the way the flock was discussed in letters to the elders.
Dagney, what is "THE TALK"?
The things is "where else is there to go?".
I am glad you got it out of your system. I agree, it is pathetic how they tried to sound 'holy/preachy/guilt tripping, etc.' and I got tired of it. I felt it was just condescending garbage.
Once I found out the real truth about the religion, I refused to read another piece of their literature ever again.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
And the lecturing of the GB revolves about peddling their litteratrash to others.