Now its much clearer. As i understand you, you have two objections to our scientist from before:
1) When one say: "I believe in ...", one is taking a leap of faith.
Like you said before, one cannot know anything for certain. To use an extreme example, one cannot know with 100% certainty santa does not exist. Therefore, saying: "I believe there is no Santa" is taking a leap of faith (allbeit a small one, but nevertheless!) and strictly speaking not scientific. Am i understanding you correctly here?
2) Your second point is with regard to when a scientist can make statements regarding probabilities. You write:
if a scientist has not established an accurate numerical value of a probability, then he has not calculated probability (either because he didn't bother or because it can't be done) in which case he has no business referencing probability and all such claims of things being "almost certain", "highly probably" etc. are fraudulent.
I would like to think i have quite a good grasp of probability theory, so this is a somewhat surprising statement since it would seem to limit the scope of probability theory quite a lot. Let me give you an example:
"It is highly probable Iceland will not win the 2022 world cup in soccer"
You will properly agree with me on this statement: Iceland has a really crappy soccer team, infact they have never even played in the world cup.
However, what is the probability iceland win in 2022? There are about 100 countries which play soccer around the level iceland do now, so i might estimate it at 0.01. But that is properly far to high - countries such as brazil, argentina, germany, etc. are much larger. We might try to estimate their chance as being proportional to their football-playing population. I think that will leave us with a chance of about 10^-4 to 10^-6, and by other arguments i might get other estimates of the probability. Now, the key point is this which i am sure we can both agree on: I cannot calculate the probability.
By your reasoning it is clear i "have not established an accurate numerical value" and therefore my claim the probability is low is fraudulent, but that seem bizzare - ofcourse the probability is low!.
In fact, it is very hard to think of any real world situation where one can truly claim to have established an accurate numerical value :-).
Am i understanding you correctly, or do you want to modify your claim?
Which instrument do you use when you measure probabilities?