From what I've noticed 'wordly' teens or very young adults won't follow JW's.Most teens/young JW's are born in,so boasting about the theocratic youth is actually boasting about JW children lol.
Young JW's
by XPeterX 36 Replies latest jw friends
Witness My Fury
Correct. I've seen hardly any young people come in that didnt already have some form of previous contact with it thru familly. As mentioned elsewhere the small % "growth" figures are actually just in line with population growth so are mostly the result of born ins.
Says me a 2nd generation witless.
This past District Convention, on the last day, the closing speaker mentioned that there was an 81 year old woman amongst those getting baptized. The people clapped. He mentioned that because it is unique. I've never seen anybody that old or close to that age get baptized. On Saturday during the baptismal talk, when the speaker traditionally tells those getting baptized to follow the directions of the attendants, so as to be lead toward the changing rooms, we all got a good look at those getting baptized. 95% of them were teenagers or preteens. Chances are 100% of those teenagers are born-ins. Anybody that goes out regularly in field service here in the States, will tell you that for the most part it really is a huge waste of time. I don't know how it was during 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, but from my experiences looking at the 90s to the present time, its pointless. The only ones you tend to see get involved with JWs are those who have mental problems, and I don't mean minor depression.
One last thing that kills me, is if most of the people getting baptized are teenagers, and we all know from our own experiences and the PEW Study done a couple years featured in Time Magazine that 2/3 of born-ins eventually leave all together, why don't the boys in Brooklyn reexamine their organization? 2/3 of born-ins leave, not to mention how many get DFd, or reproved and stay for family. You would think the GB would step back and ask themselves, "is it us?"
"You would think the GB would step back and ask themselves, "is it us?"
They are too proud to do that.
ne last thing that kills me, is if most of the people getting baptized are teenagers, and we all know from our own experiences and the PEW Study done a couple years featured in Time Magazine that 2/3 of born-ins eventually leave all together, why don't the boys in Brooklyn reexamine their organization? 2/3 of born-ins leave, not to mention how many get DFd, or reproved and stay for family. You would think the GB would step back and ask themselves, "is it us?"
They don't care that 2/3 leave. Those 2/3 that leave were not good cult member material and had to be sifted out. It's part of the process. Those that leave are just the 'price of doing business.'
They care about the 1/3 that stay. These are the Org's bread and butter. These are the hard-core. These are the ones that will do ANYTHING asked of them. Those are the only kind of members they want.
The org has no reason to try to court or keep any other type of person. They perfer quality cult members over quantity cult members.
You would think the GB would step back and ask themselves, "is it us?"
of course they say it is not going to be them. they will blame satan because of the snares of the world. or they parents will get blamed because they did not instruct their children correctly. there is always someone else to point the finger at.
WOW.Didn't know 2/3 of born-ins leave the JW's.Now that explains everything:Most JW's are old and that's why you hear "We don't have many brothers under 35-40 in our congo".
WOW.Didn't know 2/3 of born-ins leave the JW's.Now that explains everything:Most JW's are old and that's why you hear "We don't have many brothers under 35-40 in our congo".
"Jehovah's Witnesses have the lowest retention rate of any religious tradition. Only 37% of all those who say they were raised as Jehovah's Witnesses still identify themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses. "
Yeah.And that 37% left includes fake JW's too.
The annual growth figures only capture publishers. This is important because practically all children born to JW parents will become publishers before they are teenager. Some (maybe most) will get baptized. But those that leave or are DF'd in the late teens early twenties is extreme.