When I attended meetings I was always told that unlike other religions children are not baptised as babies but wait until they can make their own mind up! However, my husband was forced by his mother at the age of 13/14 to be baptised, he really didn't want to be. Having read this thread it seems that he was not alone in being baptised against his wishes.
In the church which I attended as a child I was christened as a baby under the care of my parents but as I grew up it then became my choice and so at aged 13 I was confirmed. This was completely my decision. My three brothers were all christened like me but none of them went on to be confirmed as it was not their choice.
Therefore, the JWs constant criticism of other faiths baptising as babies falls a bit on stony ground as it is the confirmation that reconfirms this when the child is old enough to choose for themselves. As in my family only one in four was confirmed. Their argument that children are only baptised when they are ready appears to be another lie since my husband and others who have mentioned on this thread they were all forced to be baptised.