Peace to you, dear CD...
I don't know if you realize how judgemental and condescending you come across.
I think that would depend on who you asked, but, yes, I am sure some... perhaps like you... would feel that way. Truth... and articulation of truth... usually is considered judgmental... and condescending... when in fact, it's only truth. But no judgment... and certainly no condescension.
You judge whether someone has light or darkness within themselves.
I don't judge, dear CD, not at all. That someone is light/dark inside is borne out by what comes OUT of them (i.e., what is "within" them... manifesed in some way. For instance, by what they SAY). Here, I just addressed what I saw (the words themselves)... and as a result hear (what is "behind" the words)... coming out. Even, then, I don't judge them for it. To their own master(s) they'll stand or fall. My obligation is to pray for them.
You speak as if you know who is being blessed and who isn't.
First, what do you mean by "blessed"... because NONE of those who currently display darkness would use that word. Second, let's determine "blessed"... with what? Riches? I have NO idea. Holy spirit? Yes, that I have an idea about. Which are you speaking of, if either? If neither, what, pray tell, ARE you speaking of... when you say "blessed"?
You determine what is an uplifting story or not.
Well, dear CD... I am thinking that I CAN determine what is an uplifting story... to ME. And this was... to ME. As I stated. And since I thought it WAS... to ME... I shared it with other... LIKE me... who I thought would find it uplifting, as well. And guess what? They DID!! Now, did I think it would be uplifting to EVERYONE? Not at all. Hence... the TITLE of the thread. If you go back and read... it WAS uplifting to those of that Household who are here... and were compelled to say that it was uplifting to them. Given that, may I ask you... why are YOU in the thread?
Some of us didn't find the story that uplifting.
By "us" you mean whom?? I would wager to say that "us" does NOT include "The Household of God, Israel, and those who go with"... whom I addressed?
That isn't because we don't have compassion for the homeless, or respect for a good deed being done.
Oh, sure it is...
That's because we could see the "darkness" of ego rearing its ugly head in the context of the so called "good" deed.
You "SEE" that... because your "eye"... isn't simple. Rather than rejoicing that a good deed was done... that someone DID a good did... that another BENEFITTED from the good deed... you CHOSE... to "SEE"... something bad. You came... LOOKING to find fault... and so "found" what you WANTED to find. You (i.e., the "us" that you refer to)... "SAW"... what you WANTED to "see." The "bad" in the situation. You (i.e., the "us" that you refer to)... "SAW" that... because, again, YOUR (i.e., the "us" that you refer to)... "eye" WASN'T simple... but wicked. And thus, the "light" that is in YOU (i.e., the "us" that you refer to)... is dark. And that darkness truly IS great.
That doesn't mean buying the guy a hamburger wasn't a good deed. It was.
Then that was all that really needed to be said, wasn't it?
Loudly proclaiming it for all the restaurant to hear and bullying the McDonald's employees were not good deeds.
So funny. SO funny. First, there is NOTHING to indicate that the dear giver spoke loudly. Not one thing. And I know he didn't because in ALL of the years I have known him, I have NEVER known him to speak loudly... or even harshly. To anyone. About anything. Indeed, he is a man of fairly LITTLE speech. Ever.
Second... I spoke with the dear one about it today - he was not only almost devasted by the response from some of "you"... but even said, "Why would anyone WANT to do good, if this is how people respond when they learn of it." I didn't tell them. I didn't blow my own horn. What is WRONG with people?? Of course, I had to apologize for putting the event out there - he related it to ME... and I chose to share it. WITH those whom I knew would appreciate it. I also had tell him to totally ignore "you" idjits, of course.
But he asked me, "Where did they get that there was a scene??? I didn't even know people were watching until I turned around. I was speaking SOFTLY. It was the first employee's volume that brought attention to the matter... and I even lowered my voice further!" And... the entire event lasted less than five minutes.
But, because of "your" darkness... "you" all jumped to the conclusions... in YOUR dark minds and hearts... that there was some kind of fiasco going on. You SAW... what you WANTED to SEE: what you came here for - fault. First with me... and when that wouldn't fly... with the hungry man... and when THAT didn't fly... with the dear giver. The fact that you can't "see" THAT... for all of your self-proclaimed abilities TO "see" is simply more evidence OF that darkness.
Any deed can contain components of both good and evil at the same time.
I disagree. Utterly.
The world, people, and their deeds, are not black and white.
Not that I said they were, but didn't YOU just make a "black and white" statement? I.e., "Loudly proclaiming it for all the restaurant to hear and bullying the McDonald's employees were not good deeds." EVEN though you've entirely misrepresented what occurred... based on YOUR "blind" sight. You read some words... no, "YOU" tried to read BETWEEN the words... and then created a totally FALSE occurrence. TOTALLY false. Because, of course, "YOU" were there... and know EXACTLY the volume of the entire event.
"All the restaurant to hear." Where in the world did you get THAT idea? A few people STANDING CLOSE BY constitutes "all the restaurant? "Bullying the McDonald's employees." Where did you get THAT idea? Because someone asserted themselves when another told them no... with absolutely NO explanation?
You got those ideas... from your own "sight"... which is the result of your own... darkness. Which is IN you.
I'm sorry...
You should be. Truly. I say that in ALL sincerity and truth. You should be sorry... and hopeful. Primarily, that you... or anyone YOU love... is never in a similar situation (not just needing someone to buy them a meal... but have to assert themselves to do it!).
My peace remains, dear CD.
A slave of Christ,