Well, I Guess There IS One Good Thing About the WTBTS...

by AGuest 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • Voices

    oh! ......your right. Okay....either way....the act was a servitude..and humble...i mean....how many of us wash or annoint people sfeet? so why criticize an act of love? love conquers ALL

  • StoneWall

    Voices said:

    so why criticize an act of love?

    I wasn't criticizing an act of love.

    I was criticizing what I consider an act of stupidity. Anyone that just gives to someone because they're poor without looking into the mitigating circumstances is asking to be taken advantage of.

    If you want a good example of how to give, look no further than the good samaritan. (Luke chapter 10)

    He took care of the man that had fell to the robbers by taking care of his wounds and then taking him to an inn and paying for his expenses and even telling the innkeeper that he would pay for anything else the man needed. But notice he didn't just give the man money. He made sure that the money went to help take care of the mans needs. (not wants or desires)

    I'm all for helping people but in the right way, to do the most good.

    Here's another scripture I like to share:

    2 Thessalonians 3:10-12[NWT] " In fact, also, when we were with YOU, we used to give YOU this order: “If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat.” For we hear certain ones are walking disorderly among YOU, not working at all but meddling with what does not concern them. To such persons we give the order and exhortation in [the] Lord Jesus Christ that by working with quietness they should eat food they themselves earn."

    AGuest said:

    Curious, yes, but uplifting and hopeful... that not EVERYONE left their heart... in the WTBTS (if they even had one there - )

    My reply to this is I'm hoping that everyone didn't leave there head up their ass when they left as well. We were all given a brain as well as a heart, so my only thing is to try to show people that it's good that they want to help others, but don't be taken advantage of.

    Even in the Bible it encourages us to let our reasonableness be known to all men. I just hope they reason on something instead of just giving out free handouts without understanding what it may be enabling someone to do with their money. such as a mentally deranged poor person(homeless) on the street taking money someone gave them to buy a handgun to blow someones brains out on the street.

    Edited to add: Peace,love and rock n roll to you as well

  • AGuest
    Even in the Bible it encourages us to let our reasonableness be known to all men.

    I don't recall Christ being recorded as saying that, dear Stone (again, peace to you!). Sounds more like something "Paul" would say (and I don't believe he was speaking with regard to feeding the hungry). I do recall my Lord being recorded to say:

    "Give to him who asks of you..."

    Since we are to follow him... and performing acts of mercy is what HE did... feeding someone hungry... regardless of why they are hungry... would be "reasonable", IMHO.

    I also recall that before "Paul" came on the scence, Luke recorded that the following occurred:

    "... there was not a needy person among them, for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales and lay them at the apostles' feet, and they would be distributed to each as any had need."

    So, each one has to decide for themself; however, I still don't get how, when one DOES decide to do a good deed... another can find fault with it. Sorry, but I just don't "get" that. It SMACKS of WTBTS teachings...

    Anywho... peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Voices


    When I said why criticize an act of love? I was referring to Judas criticizing Mary...and saying 'why criticize that?' because you were using that scripture in order to prove your point. I was pointing out what happened in that situation ...which was Mary was being criticized for doing something out of humbleness and servitude.

    You said:

    I was criticizing what I consider an act of stupidity. Anyone that just gives to someone because they're poor without looking into the mitigating circumstances is asking to be taken advantage of.

    My response:

    and how often does someone take the time in talking to homeless people and finding out their circumstances to see if they're 'worthy' of you/others generosity?

    You said:

    If you want a good example of how to give, look no further than the good samaritan. (Luke chapter 10)

    Yep...and no where in there did the samaritan think 'i gotta consider whether he's been drinking..or is drugged up...' the samaritan came AFTER the others had passed him by. Does it say that he KNEW he was robbed?...it says that the man was robbed and beaten but does it say the SAMARITAN knew?...i mean here he comes along...not knowing anything that happened ...while he was off loading up his belongings or whatever.....walking on the path ...the guy was being beaten and robbed....so when he got there...all he saw was the guy beaten and stripped....probably looked homeless.

    but whats MORE imporant is this...notice verse 33. He didn't QUESTION the man..he didn't think to even judge him (is he a drug dealing person that got beat up?? or anything else that others may think) .....what does it say? "he felt compassion for him" Just like Christ feels compssion for US...who are heavy with lack of food (love, joy, peace, goodness, faith, mildness, self control, long suffering) and have been 'BEATEN up' by 'this system of things.' (no i'm not a jw anymore)

    and what did Christ say in verse 37? "go and do the same"

    You said: ...1 thess...." If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat. ”

    If you have never spoken to these people...to even determine if their 'worthy of your donation/money/food' ...how do you even know they don't want to work? Ever see the signs that say 'WILL WORK FOR FOOD!' ......not money....not drugs.....not alcohol......FOOD. Don't be so quick to put every homeless man into a catagory of 'unworthiness' especially when you don't know their story...handicap..disability...reason for not working.....please read my other posts earlier on how HARD it is to get a JOB being 'homeless.'

    Lets be reasonable? ok lets be reasonable... have you spoken to homeless people about why they don't have a job? or why their homeless? Does anyone that never do this have any reason....to say others that choose to give regardless of motive....fear....social acceptance or rejection... is acting in 'stupidity?'

    Bible might say this....people might say THAT...but in the end....LOVE...even for those that 'don't want to work' is important .....cause i admit.....there's some things i DON'T want to do...(like nursing homework stuff, or spiritual matters) but i wish that sometimes someone would help me..so i can eventually develope the desire/habit.

    although i have been 'homeless' (without a home on this planet for a short time) we are ALL homeless (spiritual realm) ....lacking food (fruitage of the spirit)....that don't want to work (put forth the effort) from time to time (whenever it gets too difficult) ....but would sure love it if someone helped/got us through it (with assistance from an outside source) so we can eventually stand together (with those that are in a 'better place') But that's not why i do it....as I said earlier...i had a dream to feed the children...and I try to.

    Funny....i never thought of it that way.....until just now.

    put yourself in the homeless persons shoes

  • AGuest

    Monu... . And peace to you. Truly. You are "growing" in Christ... and I am SO proud of you!

    Peace, my dear one!

    Your servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,


  • StoneWall

    AGuest said:

    Since we are to follow him... and performing acts of mercy is what HE did... feeding someone hungry... regardless of why they are hungry... would be "reasonable", IMHO.

    On this we can agree. I could never walk past someone hungry and not offer them food. But I would go purchase it for them and give to them.I've seen too many times people gave to the poor money for food that was used to buy alcohol or gambled it away hoping to win the big one. As I stated earlier, to me the good samaritan did the wisest thing...take care of the expenses himself to make sure they went where they were supposed to go.

    here was not a needy person among them, for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales and lay them at the apostles' feet, and they would be distributed to each as any had need."

    You in my opinion underlined the wrong word...to me instead of any being underlined you shoulda underlined need (not wants)

    Sorry, but I just don't "get" that. It SMACKS of WTBTS teachings...

    Umm your judgmental almost self-righteous attitude lately is whats been reminding me of the WTBTS. When on other thread I saw where you supposedly could read hearts and telling others they had a dark heart.....I was like this don't sound like the same AGuest I used to read her threads. Something changed.

    Anywho peace right back at ya..

    StoneWall...not a slave of no one or anybody or any organization...but a free man in Christ and all things.

    John 15:14-15 "YOU are my friends if YOU do what I am commanding YOU. I no longer call YOU slaves, because a slave does not know what his master does. But I have called YOU friends, because all the things I have heard from my Father I have made known to YOU.

    John 8:31,32 "And so Jesus went on to say to the Jews that had believed him: “If YOU remain in my word, YOU are really my disciples, and YOU will know the truth, and the truth will set YOU free.

  • Voices

    I've known Aguest for ...8 (?) years ..I don't know her THAT well...but we've kown eachother. One thing I have learned is this:

    Whenever you tell someone something 'ugly' ...like 'dark heart' ...it become judgement.....when you say 'wow you've got a beautiful heart' ....allof a sudden it becomes a 'compliment' .... could it be that neither is judging, but just an observation?

    I don't know if she used that phrase 'dark heart' ...but i'm too tired to look it up...i'm sure you can ask her.

  • Voices

    I'm going to bed...Maybe i'll get lucky and there'll be a jar of pickles next to my bed.

    i love pickles... Next birthday present JAR OF PICLKES! ...i like vlassic XD....night

  • StoneWall

    Voices...maybe you're right. Maybe its just an observation.

    I wonder tho..if you went out on the street tonight and told one person they had a beautiful heart...and another person they had a dark heart, what would happen.

    Anyways i'm off of here for tonight. I haven't been on here in days, and probably shoulda just skipped tonight.

    But I hope you all help as many people as you can , anyway you can, in the way you see fit.

    After all it's your time and your money so use it the way you like.

    And with that I bid you an overdue g-nite. Hope you all have a good night and a pleasant tomorrow. Enjoy life to it's fullest

  • Voices

    I wonder tho..if you went out on the street tonight and told one person they had a beautiful heart...and another person they had a dark heart, what would happen.

    you're correct the reaction would be different but we're not talking about reaction......we're talking about judgement vs observation. Not everyone understands the difference. And certainly people that THINK observation is JUDGEMENT...would definately act more aggressive than....others that might understand the difference and scrutinze themselves ...even if pissed off at first.

    but thanks for the encouragement on doing well on others! ...i hope you do well to others as well! ..

    seriously....gotta go! sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

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